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Automated Termination Proofs for Java Programs with Cyclic Data
Marc Brockschmidt, Richard Musiol, Carsten Otto, and Jürgen Giesl
AIB 2012-06
In earlier work, we developed a technique to prove termination of Java
programs automatically: first, Java programs are automatically
transformed to term rewrite systems (TRSs) and then, existing methods
and tools are used to prove termination of the resulting TRSs. In this
paper, we extend our technique in order to prove termination of
algorithms on cyclic data such as cyclic lists or graphs automatically.
We implemented our technique in the tool AProVE and performed extensive
experiments to evaluate its practical applicability.
The following technical report is available from
Automated Complexity Analysis for Prolog by Term Rewriting
Thomas Ströder, Fabian Emmes, Jürgen Giesl, Peter Schneider-Kamp, and
Carsten Fuhs
AIB 2012-05
For term rewrite systems (TRSs), a huge number of automated termination
analysis techniques have been developed during the last decades, and by
automated transformations of Prolog programs to TRSs, these techniques
can also be used to prove termination of Prolog programs. Very recently,
techniques for automated termination analysis of TRSs have been adapted
to prove asymptotic upper bounds for the runtime complexity of TRSs
automatically. In this paper, we present an automated transformation
from Prolog programs to TRSs such that the runtime of the resulting TRS
is an asymptotic upper bound for the runtime of the original Prolog
program (where the runtime of a Prolog program is measured by the number
of unification attempts). Thus, techniques for complexity analysis of
TRSs can now also be applied to prove upper complexity bounds for Prolog
Our experiments show that this transformational approach indeed yields
more precise bounds than existing direct approaches for automated
complexity analysis of Prolog. Moreover, it is also applicable to a
larger class of Prolog programs such as non-well-moded programs or
programs using built-in predicates like, e.g., cuts.