The following technical report is available from
Markus Mohnen
Interfaces with Default Implementations in Java
With the interface construct, Java features a concept with high
potential for producing reusable code: Java's interfaces allow
the definition of class properties independently of class
inheritance. We propose an extension of Java for providing
default implementations in interfaces. Default implementations
are useful since they reduce the effort required to implement
an interface. They are especially interesting if there is a
canonical way to implement methods of the interface in terms of
some other methods. In these cases, an implementation can be
obtained by implementing the base methods and use the default
implementations of the other methods. We discuss the rationale
for our design and show that the extension can be implemented
both efficiently and conservatively, i.e. without modification
of the Java virtual machine.
The following technical report is available from
Markus Mohnen
An Open Framework for Data-Flow Analysis in Java
We describe work in progress on a framework for data-flow based
program analysis. By using this framework, researchers and
developers can easily implement analyses, test their correctness,
and evaluate their performance. In addition, the framework allows
the definition of intraprocedural analyses for Java Virtual
Machine (JVM) code on a high level of abstraction. The framework
is provided as a set of APIs for Java. Through the extensive use
of Java interface concept, we established an open framework: For
instance, specific implementations of abstract domains can easily
be used in our framework.