The following technical report is available from
The Complexity of Deciding a Behavioural Pseudometric on Probabilistic
Hongfei Fu
AIB 2011-26
In this paper we study the complexity of computing a behavioural
pseudometric on Segala's probabilistic automata. The pseudometric
concerned here stems from a real-valued logic (by Desharnais
\emph{et al}) and does not discount the future. We show that the
problem whether the pseudometric between two states of a finite
probabilistic automata is under a given threshold lies in the
intersection of NP and coNP.
This result significantly improves the previous PSPACE upperbound
(by e.g. van Breugel \emph{et al}).
Thomas Ströder
LuFG Informatik 2
RWTH Aachen phone: +49 241 80-21241