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Decision Making Based on Approximate and Smoothed Pareto Curves
Heiner Ackermann, Alantha Newman, Heiko Röglin, Berthold Vöcking
AIB 2005-23
We consider bicriteria optimization problems and investigate the
relationship between two standard approaches to solving them:
(i) computing the Pareto curve and
(ii) the so-called decision maker's approach in which both criteria
are combined into a single (usually non-linear) objective function.
Previous work by Papadimitriou and Yannakakis showed how to efficiently
approximate the Pareto curve for problems like Shortest Path, Spanning
Tree, and Perfect Matching}. We wish to determine for which classes of
combined objective functions the approximate Pareto curve also yields
an approximate solution to the decision maker's problem. We show that
an FPTAS for the Pareto curve also gives an FPTAS for the decision
maker's problem if the combined objective function is growth bounded like
a quasi-polynomial function. If these functions, however, show exponential
growth then the decision maker's problem is NP-hard to approximate within
any factor. In order to bypass these limitations of approximate decision
making, we turn our attention to Pareto curves in the probabilistic
framework of smoothed analysis. We show that in a smoothed model, we
can efficiently generate the (complete and exact) Pareto curve with a
small failure probability if there exists an algorithm for generating
the Pareto curve whose worst case running time is pseudopolynomial. This
way, we can solve the decision maker's problem w.r.t. any non-decreasing
objective function for randomly perturbed instances of, e.g., Shortest
Path, Spanning Tree, and Perfect Matching.
The following technical report is available from
Optimal Randomized Fair Exchange with Secret Shared Coins
Felix Freiling, Maurice Herlihy, Lucia Draque Penso
AIB 2005-22
In the fair exchange problem, mutually untrusting parties must securely
exchange digital goods. A fair exchange protocol must ensure that no
combination of cheating or failures will result in some goods being
delivered but not others, and that all goods will be delivered in the
absence of cheating and failures.
This paper proposes two novel randomized protocols for solving fair
exchange using simple trusted units. Both protocols have an optimal
expected running time, completing in a constant (3) expected number of
rounds. They also have optimal resilience. The first one tolerates any
number of dishonest parties, as long as one is honest, while the second
one, which assumes more aggressive cheating and failures assumptions,
tolerates up to a minority of dishonest parties.
The key insight is similar to the idea underlying the code-division
multiple access (CDMA) communication protocol: outwitting an adversary
is much easier if participants share a common, secret pseudo-random
number generator.
Peter Schneider-Kamp
LuFG Informatik II
RWTH Aachen phone: ++49 241 80-21211