The following technical report is available from
Proving Termination by Bounded Increase
Jürgen Giesl, René Thiemann, Stephan Swiderski, and Peter Schneider-Kamp
AIB 2007-03
Most methods and tools for termination analysis of term rewrite systems
(TRSs) essentially try to find arguments of functions that decrease
in recursive calls. However, they fail if the reason for termination
is that an argument is increased in recursive calls repeatedly until
it reaches a bound. In this paper, we solve that problem and present a
method to prove termination of TRSs with bounded increase automatically.
The following technical report is available from
SAT Solving for Termination Analysis with Polynomial Interpretations
Carsten Fuhs, Jürgen Giesl, Aart Middeldorp, Peter Schneider-Kamp,
René Thiemann, and Harald Zankl
AIB 2007-02
Polynomial interpretations are one of the most popular techniques
for automated termination analysis. Therefore, the search for such
interpretations is a main bottleneck in most termination provers. We
show that one can obtain speedups in orders of magnitude by encoding
this task as a SAT problem and by applying modern SAT solvers.