Good to confirm... I checked "confirm" add-on at the Smartlist FAQ but
it does not load to my browser. So I came up a simple 'rc.local.r10'
to do the verifications, attached beblow.
I tried some simple tests and it worked for me. May need more tests
to improve.
when I copied to the mail window there are some added line breaks. I
hope one can restore these breaks for tests..
#$Id: rc.local.r10,v 0.01
# 2005/08/22 19:28:16 Zhiliang Hu
:0 w
* ^Subject:.*\@
FROMADDR =`formail -rtzxTo:`
SUBJADDR =`formail -xSubject: |perl -pe
SUBJCOMD =`formail -xSubject: |perl -pe
DATEMARK = `date +"%s"`
:0 ic # "i" -- supress "writing errors" ('header/body
passed to nothing' error)
* ^Subject:.*sub
| echo "$SUBJADDR $SUBJCOMD" > $tmpreqloc/$DATEMARK
# If the same address, re-formulate a subscription mail to server
* ? formail -rtzxTo: | multigram -b1 -x$listreq -x$listaddr \
-l$reject_threshold $tmpreqloc/$DATEMARK
| (formail -I"From: $FROMADDR" -I"Subject: $SUBJCOMD") \
| $SENDMAIL -oi $listreq
# If different address, email the target person for confirmation
:0 E
| (formail -i"From: $listreq" -i"Subject: subscription confirmation
needed" \
-I "To: $SUBJADDR"; \
echo "Confirmation code: $DATEMARK"; \
echo " "; \
echo "This list server has received a '$SUBJCOMD' request for";
echo "$SUBJADDR from $FROMADDR"; \
echo " "; \
echo "If this is what you wanted and wish to confirm, please reply to"; \
echo "this mail, and copy the entire 'Confirmation code' line on
the"; \
echo "top of this mail into the 'Subject:' field. The
confirmation must"; \
echo "be made in 7 days. After 7 days, the request will be
dropped from"; \
echo "the server."; \
echo " "; \
echo "List Daemon for ANGENMAP") | $SENDMAIL -oi $SUBJADDR
* ^Subject:.*Confirmation code:
CONFNAM =`formail -xSubject: | perl -pe 's/Confirmation
code:\s+([0-9]{9,})/$1/sg; s/[\s]+//g;'`
COMMAND =`cat $tmpreqloc/$CONFNAM | perl -pe
:0 fhw
* ? formail -rtzxTo: | multigram -b1 -x$listreq -x$listaddr \
-l$reject_threshold $tmpreqloc/$CONFNAM
| formail -I"Subject: $COMMAND"
:0 E
| formail -I"Listmarster: sub/unsub help needed" | $SENDMAIL -oi
### END ###