At 11:41 AM -0400 7/28/00, Werner Reisberger is rumored to have typed:
> I never saw any
> admin reply to the numerous complains about spam messages.
Actually, that's not _strictly_ true, since I remember when Stephen was
actually maintaining the list (and probably anally have archives of the list
from that time somewhere on some floppy or MO cart from a long time ago and
far far away). But you're right, it's been _years_ since he's been around.
However, the list belongs to the maintainer (or at least the machine's
admin), not the members. You'll get no argument from me that the list should
be moved (I believe I said exactly that a couple of times), but to suggest
the admins need to take a poll to ask what they may or may not do with the
existing list is silly, to say the least. They are certainly able to move
this list to mailman without the list subscriber's permission - indeed, they
_have_ done so, which makes my point for me.
Whether we should move this list to a SmartList server is a completely
seperate which Philip should probably weigh in on, since he is
now maintaining the procmail/SmartList source and as such the de facto head
of our band of merry wanderers...
This is meant as an observation, and not fuel to start a flame war.
My access to the use of smartlist is through the company hosting one of my
domains. They have a version of smartlist available for use by the domains
they host, however don't allow telnet access, and rely on other (usually
outdated or extinct) site's FAQs for information and support. My domain
file access is through ftp, and to my knowledge, there is no way to access
"." files through it. If you can't access .etc there is no way to read the
manual, therefore, people may need to rely on reading one of the web
accessible manuals on the server of someone else. One of the most
frustrating things I have noticed in this, is the fact that these manuals
are geared for the version their server carries, and could very well be the
earliest versions released, if it suits their purpose.
Maybe it is just my system configuration, but every time I attempt to
download the manual from the address:, as noted in the FAQ, I
get a "File Not Found" error. I have all the different FAQs noted, however,
haven't been able to find a manual for SmartList dated later than 1993. Was
that when development stopped? Is there a URL where the manual noted above
can be read online or possibly downloaded as webpages for those who are
unable to ftp download it?
I started on the 'net when it was strictly for scientific or research
purposes, and only available to major universities, governmental entities,
or worldwide scientific organizations, years before Kermit was developed as
a "cutting-edge" technological breakthrough. Times have changed, and I
would hazard a guess that there are some on this list who have never heard
of Kermit, let alone used it. There is a whole new generation of SmartList
users out there who don't own the server they are using, or have full
access to all the files ProcMail/SmartList uses. It is these users that
will make or break whether SmartList is used by providers who could offer
feedback, or if the maintenance and development of it becomes a part-time
hobby for a few select individuals. Maybe what's needed is a "GUI" so to
speak for new users, that would allow those with limited access/knowledge
to learn, and go deeper as things make more sense. Anybody still using CPM
as an operating system? Anybody considered a "Newbie" list where the same
topics could be discussed ad-nauseam without disturbing the "Pros"? Just a
Smartlist README says that smartlist files have to be unpacked in the
procmail source directory. The latest procmail version is 3.15 and the
latest smartlist version is 3.13. Smartlist untars into procmail-3.13
directory while procmail upacks into 3.15 directory.
My question is, which version of procmail should I get to make sure it
is compatible with the latest smartlist? I would like to use the
latest procmail version if possible. Thanks.
Never did get an answer to this one. Any ideas, anyone?
___________________Think For Yourself____________________
Patrick G. Salsbury -
Trying to figure out what to do with all that spent uranium? :-) Join the
uranium-hot-rock mailing list! See
The only smart thing to do is to get smarter.
-- Timothy Leary, The Intelligence Agents
------- Forwarded Message
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 17:41:13 -0700
From: Patrick Salsbury <salsbury(a)>
To: Dan Craioveanu <dancr(a)>
cc: SmartList Discussion List <SmartList(a)>
Subject: footer.txt - Can it do variable interpolation?
This is a similar, but different issue to the one below. I've looked
through the FAQ, and the archives of the list that I've still got around
(400+ messages), but don't see an answer:
Is there a way of interpolating variables within the header.txt or
footer.txt files, so that I could use a generic footer.txt for numerous
So the file may say:
To unsubscribe, mail to '$list@$domain' with subject 'unsubscribe'
And I'd like $list and $domain to be expanded out per list. (I run about 2
dozen lists, so it'd be nice to just use one file.)
Has anyone done this?
FAQ #2.11 seems like something in the right direction. Would I have to
build the file out of rc.local.s20 every time there was a submission,
though? That seems wasteful.
On Tue, Apr 11, 2000 at 08:45:54PM +0300, Dan Craioveanu wrote:
> I have tried the Solution in the SmartList FAQ. But, still, there's no
> message appearing eather as a header or footer.
> I have created a file called header.txt and one called footer.txt with the
> text to add to the message.
> I've uncommented the line "RC_LOCAL_SUBMIT_20 = rc.local.s20" from my
> rc.custom file, and added the following to my rc.local.s20 file:
> #
> # Adding a disclaimer in front of every mail:
> #
> :0 fhw
> | cat - header.txt
> #
> # Appending a footer to every outgoing mail:
> #
> :0 fbw
> | cat - footer.txt
> I have even tried all the other solutions in the Smart List mailing list
> archive, but with no result.
> Please help,
> Thanks
- --
___________________Think For Yourself____________________
Patrick G. Salsbury -
Fuel Cells: Electricity for home, car, or business. 0% emmissions,
0% charge-time. -
Do you value your privacy? If so, take note of what's coming down the pipe:
The United States Government should encourage the development of
those products that would provide a capability allowing law enforcement
(Federal, State, and local), with a court order only, to gain timely access
to the plaintext of either stored data or data in transit.
Unless law enforcement has the benefit of such market encouragement,
drug traffickers, spies, child pornographers, pedophiles, kidnappers,
terrorists, mobsters, weapons proliferators, fraud schemers, and other
criminals will be able to use encryption software to protect their criminal
activity and hinder the criminal justice system.
106th CONGRESS - 1st Session
HR2616 - Section 3 (Para. 14-15)
July 27, 1999 -
Smartlist mailing list
------- End of Forwarded Message
I am truly sorry for my outburst, the responses have shown me just how lazy
I have become. I have gotten a shell account I intend to use for
experimentation, and will get back to basics in relearning how to work with
Unix without all the... in my own words... "GUI's". I had tried using an
-al file mask once, a while ago, and it was blocked, if I hadn't given up,
and tried it again I would have realized it was no longer blocked, and I
can at least *read* the "." files (including to my embarrassment... the
manual). Again, sorry for acting the way I did.
At 7:45 PM -0400 8/29/00, Ron Miller is rumored to have typed:
> And don't let everyone get to you too much, I just figured it out for myself
> not too long ago after asking the same question for another reason and
> getting no help either.
Now that's interesting; I found a question from you on 21 August
(subjected "Assistance" - real descriptive, that), and _answers_ to you, on a
completely different issue - had to do with changing the subscribe message.
Both Rich and Francois answered you giving you good and valid information...I
would count this as "help," although apparently you wouldn't. Perhaps you
just didn't get the answer you _wanted._
> We don't all have the superior knowledge some seem
> to.
If you're willing to learn, I'm willing to teach you for nothing. If you
want me to do your work _for_ you because you don't have time to learn, you
will pay me. It's as simple as that. Ask around...I have had long off-list
teaching sessions with a bunch of people on here. I have also completely
ignored questions where it's obvious the person asking never bothered to even
read the installation files; perhaps that's why I didn't answer you when Rich
and Francois did.
> They seem to forget they had to learn somehow as well and asking a
> question is not necessarily being lazy some are just trying to learn.
I learned most of what I know about SmartList by 1) reading the postings
in this list, 2) reading the code in the package, and 3)
experimentation...not necessarily in that order of inportance, since
experimentation is the most important of all, but should almost always come
chronologically _after_ the other two. If you check the archives, you'll find
I've asked few questions over the years, and when I did only _after_ I
attempted to deal with the problem on my own through experimentation. I ain't
perfect, but I expect as much (more) from myself as I expect from everyone
else. So like the old saying goes, "don't teach your grandmother how to suck
And on a personal note, PLEASE learn how to use your email client software
to edit your quotations when you post to a mailing list; just because this
list doesn't reject on over-quoting, that doesn't mean it's a good idea to
simply include my entire letter for no good reason in your reply. (Especially
when you send me personally two seperate copies, as well as including one
copy to the list.)
That is why I had the same questions if you read my old question again. I
could not see (.) type files and did not know how but like you said I
figured it out for myself. And "assistance" was just the subject line ,
would you rather I write my whole problem in the subject line? I just feel
you were being a bit hard on the guy. If you did not want to help you could
simply not reply to his question.
We do not all know the installation files exist. Like the last guy smart
list came with my hosting package with very little information just the
basic FAQS. Which by the way are the same on every site that list them, I
did spend alot of time searching for the answer before asking the question.
When someone asked a question you deem to be silly just realize they
probably just don't know since it comes with a hosting package.
You must realize that people that do not know the problem cannot ask the
proper question, which I failed to do myself which is why I did not get the
right answer but it is frustrating enough without someone bugging you about
asking for help. You are right though I shouldn't have said I didn't
receive help, some were good enough to try and answer my question. I just
get tired of people like you whining about helping people when it was to a
list which you opted in to and can opt out of anytime.
Anyways, have patience or ignore their request for help if you don't want to
be bothered. Just because it may seem like common sense to you doesn't mean
it is for everyone. It only seem simple when you already know it.
Ron Miller
Hello, I am new here and to smartlist, please excuse the newbie questions.
I just signed on with a new provider that has SmartList installed.
Unfortunately they provide no technical support with the list software, and
the FAQ isnt quite clear to me. I hope someone can answer my few questions.
I am trying to customize the rc.custom file. But it doesnt seem to be doing
anything when done. Specifically I am trying to change the reply-to to go
back to the list, instead of the individual. No matter what I try, it
doesnt seem to work. Ive uncommented the line and tried using
reply_to = "Reply-To: $listaddr"
And it doesnt seem to do anything. Ive changed both the rc.custom file, the
rc.init file and nothing seems to be changing. (Im under the impression
rc.custom is supposed to override the rc.init file per list. But since I
have only one list at the moment, I figured I could try and change both..)
I also noticed there are two directories where my mailing list is located.
One is called "mailinglist" and the other is "mailinglist-d". What is the
I should note that I dont have the ability to telnet in and use utilities
like "delink". Is this important since I am only creating one mailing list
at this time?
Thank you
Hello All,
I have spent most of the night trying to troubleshoot a server with
Smartlist installed. Everything seems to work as it is supposed to,
as I have dealt with Smartlist previously. However, there is one
feature that does not seem to be working the way it was intended.
When you submit a new subscription via the website, all is well.
When you submit a new subscription via email, the copy comes on
through to the maintainer, and the email is logged in the Log file,
however, the email address never gets added to the Dist list.
I have gone through the rc. files, all of them and compared them
also to the original rc. files from another server all together.
Every single dotted I and crossed T seems to be in place.
I do not know where to turn next. Does anyone have any sugestions?
Bill Platt
Hi everyone, I hope that someone might have time to answer a probably
quick question. I read the entire faq and didnt see anything in
there. Well here goes.
here's the error message that I'm getting.
----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
"|exec /home/list/.bin/flist jackl-test"
(expanded from: <jackl-test(a)>)
----- Transcript of session follows -----
sh: exec not available for sendmail programs
554 "|exec /home/list/.bin/flist jackl-test"... Service unavailable