Call For Papers
FLOPS 2024: 17th International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming
May 15-17, 2024, Kumamoto, Japan
FLOPS aims to bring together practitioners, researchers and implementers
of declarative programming, to discuss mutually interesting results and
common problems: theoretical advances, their implementations in language
systems and tools, and applications of these systems in practice. The
scope includes all aspects of the design, semantics, theory,
applications, implementations, and teaching of declarative programming.
FLOPS specifically aims to promote cross-fertilization between theory
and practice and among different styles of declarative programming.
Previous FLOPS meetings were held at Fuji Susono (1995), Shonan Village
(1996), Kyoto (1998), Tsukuba (1999), Tokyo (2001), Aizu (2002), Nara
(2004), Fuji Susono (2006), Ise (2008), Sendai (2010), Kobe (2012),
Kanazawa (2014), Kochi (2016), Nagoya (2018), Akita (2020, online), and
Kyoto (2022, online).
*** Scope ***
FLOPS solicits original papers in all areas of declarative programming:
* functional, logic, functional-logic programming, rewriting systems,
formal methods and model checking, program transformations and program
refinements, developing programs with the help of theorem provers or
SAT/SMT solvers, verifying properties of programs using declarative
programming techniques;
* foundations, language design, implementation issues (compilation
techniques, memory management, run-time systems, etc.), applications and
case studies.
FLOPS promotes cross-fertilization among different styles of declarative
programming. Therefore, research papers must be written to be
understandable by a wide audience of declarative programmers and
researchers. In particular, each submission should explain its
contributions in both general and technical terms, clearly identifying
what has been accomplished, explaining why it is significant for its
area, and comparing it with previous work. Submission of system
descriptions and declarative pearls are especially encouraged.
*** Submission ***
Submissions should fall into one of the following categories:
* Regular research papers: they should describe new results and will be
judged on originality, correctness, and significance.
* System descriptions: they should describe a working system and will be
judged on originality, usefulness, and design.
* Declarative pearls: new and excellent declarative programs or theories
with illustrative applications.
System descriptions and declarative pearls must be explicitly marked as
such in the title. Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for
publication elsewhere. Work that already appeared in unpublished or
informally published workshops proceedings may be submitted. Submissions
must be written in English and can be up to 15 pages excluding
references, though system descriptions and pearls are typically shorter.
The formatting has to conform to Springer’s LNCS guidelines. FLOPS 2024
will employ a lightweight double-blind reviewing process.
For more details, see
Papers should be submitted electronically at
*** Publication ***
The proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS series. We
expect to invite the authors of a selection of the best papers to submit
an extended version of their FLOPS paper to a special issue which will
appear in the journal Science of Computer Programming.
*** Important Dates ***
All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE = UTC-12).
* Abstract due: Wed 6th Dec 2023
* Submission deadline: Wed 13th Dec 2023
* Notifications: Wed 31st Jan 2024
* Final versions due: Wed 28th Feb 2024
*** Organizers ***
Shin-ya Katsumata National Institute of Informatics, JP (General Chair)
Jeremy Gibbons University of Oxford, UK (PC Co-Chair)
Dale Miller INRIA Saclay and LIX/IPP, FR (PC Co-Chair)
Naohiko Hoshino Sojo University, JP (Local Chair)
*** FLOPS sponsorship ***
This symposium is sponsored by JSSST-SIGPPL (http://ppl.jssst.or.jp/).
*** Contact Address ***