Does SmartList have an archiving and (hopefully user friendly) search capability?
[I'm not interested in the archives of this Disc List, but of the list I run for my
Mitch Darer
Mitchell Darer, WebMaster, mitch(a)focusing.org
The Focusing Institute, 34 East Lane, Spring Valley, NY 10977
http://www.focusing.org (845) 362-5222 (phone/fax)
At 11:41 AM -0400 7/28/00, Werner Reisberger is rumored to have typed:
> I never saw any
> admin reply to the numerous complains about spam messages.
Actually, that's not _strictly_ true, since I remember when Stephen was
actually maintaining the list (and probably anally have archives of the list
from that time somewhere on some floppy or MO cart from a long time ago and
far far away). But you're right, it's been _years_ since he's been around.
However, the list belongs to the maintainer (or at least the machine's
admin), not the members. You'll get no argument from me that the list should
be moved (I believe I said exactly that a couple of times), but to suggest
the admins need to take a poll to ask what they may or may not do with the
existing list is silly, to say the least. They are certainly able to move
this list to mailman without the list subscriber's permission - indeed, they
_have_ done so, which makes my point for me.
Whether we should move this list to a SmartList server is a completely
seperate issue...one which Philip should probably weigh in on, since he is
now maintaining the procmail/SmartList source and as such the de facto head
of our band of merry wanderers...
Does anyone know of any pre-existing software for manipulating dist files
(i.e. generating per-domain percentages from a dist file, merging two dist
files, comparing two dist files, etc., etc)? I suppose anything that dealt
specifically with lists of email addresses would work (that is, it doesn't
necessarily have to handle the "Only addresses below this line"
itself)...anyone have a pointer to such a thing?
Charlie (who hopes he doesn't have to reinvent the wheel...)
I'm confused by this multigram stuff, and when it kicks in...
The lists I work with are pretty small, and it would be ideal for me if the
X-Command to unsubscribe was just "perfect match"
OTOH, I'd like for people who unsubscribe themselves (the blessed few with a
clue) were able to match foo(a)mail.whatever.com and foo(a)whatever.com
successfully and just take them off if they're that close... But I don't
even know if that's what multigram does or not.
I've read the docs and FAQ, but they seem to jump right into the numbering
scheme without explaining how/when multigram applies... Or maybe I'm just
reading the wrong section of the docs...
So... if some kind soul would tell me when multigram kicks in and how I
would alter rc.custom for the admin X-Command to be strictly a perfect match
thing without screwing up auto-request commands from listees, I'd sure
appreciate it...
Oh yeah: One last thing:
The address that is about to unsubscribed generates the
following multigram matches to the current list:
177 rlynch(a)ignitionstate.com 32734 rlynch(a)ignitionstate.com
18 a 17066 rlynch(a)ignitionstate.com
118 kevin.erickson(a)bmge.com 3250 rlynch(a)ignitionstate.com
174 rfblitho(a)compuserve.com 3250 rlynch(a)ignitionstate.com
36 boche(a)billions.com 3247 rlynch(a)ignitionstate.com
167 rademaker(a)compuserve.com 3246 rlynch(a)ignitionstate.com
176 rjolech(a)herff-jones.com 3197 rlynch(a)ignitionstate.com
87 guns(a)scratchie.com 2527 rlynch(a)ignitionstate.com
Like, the address I'm trying to remove is there, and it should be a perfect
match, and I don't understand why that first one isn't just 32766... [See,
I read the docs enough to know it goes up to 32766 :-)] Or, rather, why is
multigram kicking in at all? If it's a perfect match, isn't it supposed to
just unsubscribe it?
How can I keep the sender of a post from receiving a copy of his post. I want everyone on the list except the sender to receive a copy. Is this possible?
Sorry folks, I've looked at the faq and didn't see anything like this, but
I'm using smartlist for an "all-mailboxes" type of list and don't want to
confuse people with the auto generated messages... So is it possible to
turn them off and how do I go about doing that?
Andy H.
PGP public key fingerprint
FC3A FD71 8A43 E510 8797 6FD8 918C 1D54 17D9 9EC1
Dear friends,
I want block all sender to my list and post message only from my server or
my address.
I can't configurate moderator_flags because in this case all post are BLOCKED.
Help me please
Excuse me for my english :-(
Hello one and all,
My domain and mailing lists are hosted on a server in the US. I am having
problems with the virus "joke.exe" or "Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs - The REAL
My Antrim mailing lists rejects all messages with attachments. I have double
checked that. If you send a message to Antrim-d(igest) it gets re-directed to
the Antrim list and rejected if you are not on the mailing list or contains an
attachment. Everything is working as it should. Now the problem.
Subject: antrim-d Digest V01 #9
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 08:02:10 -0500
From: antrim-d-request(a)irishgenealogy.net
Reply-To: antrim(a)irishgenealogy.net
To: antrim-d(a)irishgenealogy.net
Subject: antrim-d Digest Volume 01 : Issue 9
Today's Topics: Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs - The [ Hahaha
<hahaha(a)sexyfun.net> ]
(included attachment containing virus)
No other topic.
Digest #10 had normal topic's.
Digest #11 Had the above virus. No other topic.
Digest #12 Had the above virus. No other topic.
I have since Digest #11 removed all users except myself from the list. I have
Norton 2001 Antivirus and it traps this mail virus and also says my computer is
virus free.
The questions are:-
How is it possible that the digest mode is actived and that it contains a virus
How do I stop it.
Any help is welcome as I hate sending 400 plus people a virus.
greetings from Holland
Liam G. McFaul
Dear friends,
I found the same silly problem that you seem to
have encountered. I created one list with smartlist.
No problems. Then I did the same for two other
list and only the administrator receives a
X-Diagnostic: Unprocessed
I have checked files and permissions. Everything seems
identical with the three lists.
Any luck with your problems ?
I'm currently running two lists under SmartList, one is operating
without problems, but the second is not. Basically, it seems that
the list subscriptions are being handled correctly, but subsequent
posts to the list are not getting through. It seems that SmartList
is not processing the submission, given that the X-Diagnostic field
in the header is set to 'Unprocessed'. The submission is forwarded
to the list maintainer.
Does anyone have any ideas, I'm sure there is a simple explanation!
For information, AFAIK, both lists are set up identically, i.e.
with same rc.custom file, but different subscriber lists.
James. mailto: J.M.Ferryman(a)reading.ac.uk
Julio B. González-At, Ph.D.
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