Folks; Does anyone know of any pre-existing software for manipulating dist files (i.e. generating per-domain percentages from a dist file, merging two dist files, comparing two dist files, etc., etc)? I suppose anything that dealt specifically with lists of email addresses would work (that is, it doesn't necessarily have to handle the "Only addresses below this line" itself)...anyone have a pointer to such a thing? Charlie (who hopes he doesn't have to reinvent the wheel...)

I dont know if this is what you are looking for but I have found it useful in comparing dist files after converting them to text files....its freeware http://www.geherbert.de/ go to the download area
FCU is a file compare utility for comparing text files. The compared files are displayed in three windows: left file window, right file window and an extra window were the composed file will be displayed.<<<
Does anyone know of any pre-existing software for manipulating dist files (i.e. generating per-domain percentages from a dist file, merging two dist files, comparing two dist files, etc., etc)? I suppose anything
David Kelly AET that dealt
specifically with lists of email addresses would work (that is, it doesn't necessarily have to handle the "Only addresses below this line" itself)...anyone have a pointer to such a thing?
Charlie (who hopes he doesn't have to reinvent the wheel...)
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On Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 10:32:07PM -0500, Charlie Summers wrote:
Does anyone know of any pre-existing software for manipulating dist files (i.e. generating per-domain percentages from a dist file, merging two dist files, comparing two dist files, etc., etc)? I suppose anything that dealt specifically with lists of email addresses would work (that is, it doesn't necessarily have to handle the "Only addresses below this line" itself)...anyone have a pointer to such a thing?
I dunno. When I have to do things like this, I haven't had much trouble doing it on the fly. No one may have yet felt the need to write a big whizzy software package for these tasks. You could merge two dist files with "cat dist1 dist2 | sort -u > dist.big", and then fudging "Only addresses below this line." Comparing two dist files is sort dist1 > dist1.sort sort dist2 > dist2.sort diff dist1.sort dist2.sort Per-domain percentages is an interesting one. I would probably do something like this: perl -e 'while (<>) { chomp; if (s/.*@//) { $total++; $domain{$_}++ } }; while (($domain, $count) = each %domain) { printf "$domain: %.02f%%\n", $count * 100.0 / $total }' dist -- Regards, Tim Pierce RootsWeb.com lead system admonsterator and Chief Hacking Officer

At 1:38 PM -0500 2/3/01, Tim Pierce is rumored to have typed:
I dunno. When I have to do things like this, I haven't had much trouble doing it on the fly. No one may have yet felt the need to write a big whizzy software package for these tasks.
I'm sorry...I honestly wasn't looking for anything "big" or "whizzy," only trying to keep from reinventing the wheel. (I prefer small and fast anyway.)
You could merge two dist files with "cat dist1 dist2 | sort -u > dist.big", and then fudging "Only addresses below this line."
I could, I suppose, although I prefer to use comm and other more modern text-manipulating tools to do the same thing more efficiently, without invoking yet-another-cat. (And, of course, my idea here was actually to deal with the "(Only addresses" line in-line instead of using pico, joe, or vi later to fudge it. I'm unquestionably a lazy soul, who would rather do as few repetitive tasks manually as absolutely necessary.)
Per-domain percentages is an interesting one. I would probably do something like this:
I'm not sure I'd use perl for something this relatively simple, frankly, but I'll look over your suggestion to see if it can be integrated into the scripts I've already done. Basically, I was asking if anyone had written a set of shell scripts or the like to do what I think of as routine dist maintenance (particularly when dealing with interactive/digest pairs, or lists with similar but not quite identical focuses), or if I needed to do it myself; apparently, I wasn't clear, and for that I appologize. Like I said, I'm lazy, and if someone else has already done the work, I'd just as soon not duplicate the effort. Since no one responded (actually, David Kelley did, and thanks, David, but that response referenced a Windows application and I'm happy to stay in unix), I assumed no one had done so, so I handled a few of those tasks I do on a routine basis myself. Hopefully I'll eventually expand on the scripts (time allowing) and make them even more self-contained, so eventually the next guy down the road _can_ be lazy. ;) Charlie
participants (3)
Charlie Summers
David Kelly
Tim Pierce