Some puzzles and teaching lessons for the Americans.
Koos Koen
Knowhow International
PO Box 87694
South Africa
Tel: +27(0)824436430
Fax: +27(0)821314436430
Hello sublist,
here comes a story which was recently seen in German TV (in the
so called Harald Schmidt show). I try to translate into English.
Best wishes
A recent opinion poll in Germany has shown that German parents
read less and less books (or fairy tales) to their children.
This is a very sad development.
However, this tendency can be well explained and forgiven since...
(see below).
Suppose that a father reads to his small child the fairy tale "Froschkoenig"
(i.e. the king who was transformed by a witch into a frog) and if he
comes to the sentence saying: "And when the princess kissed the ugly
looking frog then all of a sudden the frog became a most beautiful prince".
And then the child will ask the following question:
"And this Pokemon cannot do anything else???"
Hello subset of TC6 delegates,
we have installed a sublist of TC6 delegates.
Namely those who actively confessed that they don't protest too much
against some nontechnical stuff. (The list includes also those of you who
had contributed in recent years by means of some jokes etc.).
Nevertheless the list is surprisingly short.
You can use the list with the following address:
If you want to unsubscribe: please send me a short message.
As a starting nontechnical thing I would like to give you
the decryption of
LUFTHANSA means: Let Us Fuck The Horse As No Steward Available.
As an explanation: Lufthansa is known for its habit to hire either
old stewardesses or homosexual stewards.
Best wishes