Dear PhD students, We would like to inform you about the latest NEWS: 1. The forum of female PhD students (Doktorandinnen Forum) of the RWTH University has a new website: http://www.rwth-aachen.de/go/id/bakh/ By the way we would like to draw your attention to the next seminar: „Frauen zeigen Profil - Selbstmarketing für Doktorandinnen“ (in german language) 2. DoC.NET-Events: - Social get together When: 24th of February at 6.p.m.Where: Restaurant „Good Friends” (asiatic food), Neupforte 2B Please sign up here: http://www.doodle.com/s64nmbe68tr354ee - Citytrip: Liège - Belgium's third largest city You are interested in participating in the trip?Here you will find all information: http://www.international.rwth-aachen.de/global/show_document.asp?id=aaaaaaaa... This events deadline is on the 1st of March! As usual we require personal registration at the Info-Service Center of the International Office. The registration fee may be returned if you inform us about deregistration before deadline. After this deadline you can only be reimbursed in case another participant replaces you. We are looking forward to your participation. Best regards,Your DoC.NET
participants (1)
Hanan El-Khouri