Dear PhD students,
We would like to inform you about the latest NEWS:
1. The forum of female PhD students (Doktorandinnen Forum) of the RWTH University has a new website:
By the way we would like to draw your attention to the next seminar:
„Frauen zeigen Profil - Selbstmarketing für Doktorandinnen“ (in german language)
2. DoC.NET-Events:
- Social get together
When: 24th of February at 6.p.m.
Where: Restaurant „Good Friends” (asiatic food), Neupforte 2B
Please sign up here:
- Citytrip: Liège - Belgium's third largest city
You are interested in participating in the trip?
Here you will find all information:
This events deadline is on the 1st of March!
As usual we require personal registration at the
Best regards,
Your DoC.NET