Declare 2019 - Call for Participation
================================================================== Declare 2019: Call for Participation Cottbus, Germany, September 9-12, 2019 ================================================================== Declarative programming is an advanced paradigm for the modeling and solving of complex problems. This method has attracted increased attention over the last decades, e.g., in the domains of data and knowledge engineering, databases, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, modeling and processing combinatorial problems, and for establishing systems for the web. The conference Declare 2019 aims at cross-fertilizing exchange of ideas and experiences among researches and students from the different communities interested in the foundations, implementation techniques, novel applications, and combinations of high-level, declarative programming and related areas. The technical program of the event will include invited talks, presentations of refereed papers, and system demonstrations. Declare 2019 consists of the sub-events INAP, WFLP, and WLP: INAP - 22nd International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management WFLP - 27th International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming WLP - 33rd Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming Accepted papers and preliminary program: Please register here: Looking forward to see you at Declare 2019 in Cottbus in September. The Organizing Committee Petra Hofstedt (General Chair), Sven Löffler, Katrin Ebert, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany
participants (1)
Petra Hofstedt (BTU)