Hi! I'm reading the "Dynamic Predicates in Functional Logic Programs" paper and I'm finding it quite interesting since I've always found the integration with persistent data stores to be a weak point in most languages and frameworks, and it seemed to me that Logic Programming should offer a more natural way to deal with this problem given that it's got the idea of a global database built in (as the paper points out). So my question is: has this been implemented in any form in existing Curry systems? I think there was a mention of dynamic predicates having been implemented as a library but I can't find it. Was the idea scrapped perhaps? Cheers /Felix

Hi Felix, as the author of this paper, I think it is my task to write an answer. I agree with you that it is nice to consider persistant data as predicates in logic programs in order to provide a smooth integration. This motivated the paper and we used it also in practical applications. The implemented library is still available for older Curry systems as a package, see https://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~curry/cpm/HTML/db-pakcs-1.0.0.html A drawback of this approach is that it requires a tight integration into the Curry run-time system, i.e., it is not just a library. This explain why it is available only for older Prolog-based Curry implementations. Moreover, this approach does not exploit the query optimization features of database systems, which is essential to deal with larger amounts of data. Therefore, we replaced the use of dynamic predicates by a new approach where ER-based data models are converted into Curry operations to support a typed access to data stored in a database. You'll find some papers on this development at https://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~mh/papers/keyindex.html#KEYWORD_Database... In particular, the most recent paper "A Typeful Integration of SQL into Curry" describes a method to support writing SQL queries in Curry programs which are checked at compile time so that these queries always deliver type-correct data which can be further processed in a Curry program. This approach is used in our more recent applications since it nicely combines type-safety with a clear separation between queries and transactions. This might not be what you are looking for, but Prolog-based approaches often have the problem that there is no clear separation between querying (which is declarative) and changing the database (where time is relevant). Another more lightweight concept for persistent data are global entities which can be declared as other operations but are persistently stored and easily accessed in a program, see library "Global": https://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~curry/cpm/DOC/base-1.0.0/Global.html For instance, this kind of global entities are used in web programming to deal with sessions and user data (preferences). Best regards, Michael On 10/14/19 10:58 AM, Felix Holmgren wrote:
I'm reading the "Dynamic Predicates in Functional Logic Programs" paper and I'm finding it quite interesting since I've always found the integration with persistent data stores to be a weak point in most languages and frameworks, and it seemed to me that Logic Programming should offer a more natural way to deal with this problem given that it's got the idea of a global database built in (as the paper points out).
So my question is: has this been implemented in any form in existing Curry systems? I think there was a mention of dynamic predicates having been implemented as a library but I can't find it. Was the idea scrapped perhaps?
Cheers /Felix
participants (2)
Felix Holmgren
Michael Hanus