Hallo, hier eine Einladung aus Skopje, Mazedonien. Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
HI Everybody !!!!!!!!
It’s time to come in Skopje and find out everything about networking, new generation GPRS, all secrets about WAP and much more...All details will be sent to you soon. OK, those are the scientific stuff, but what is very very important is
Main reason for you to apply at our workshop are the parties in Skopje during the night and day so just say goodbye to your sleep for the 9 days here:)). After the hard working oops… parting and drink week we’ll go in Ohrid for few days and maybe have a swim in the lake. But just maybe:)
So from 11-19. December 2005 you’ll taste the fun and the spirit of our EESTEC-ers .
Deadline 22 November
We can accommodate 15-20 people and please if it possible send us one boy and one girl (love is on the air….) :)))
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me.
See you in December:)
CP of EESTEC LC Skopje Fosina Paunkovska