Klingt sehr gut! Lasst es euch nicht entgehen. Ich schreibe am 18.08 eine wichtige Klausur :-(, sonst würde ich auch mitfahen. Jeder der fahren möchte, melde sich bei mir. First come, first serve. Grüße Andreea ********************************* *Name:* Jazz do it! (music festival) *Organizing LC:* Nis *Time:* 09 - 15.08.2010 *Deadline to apply:* 10th of July 2010. *Number of participants:* 15 *Application form <goog_414748288>** link <http://eestec.net/publications/cp-area/reports/cp-guide/Appendix%20B%20-%20Call%20for%20Participants.doc/view>* ********************************* Dear EESTEC-ers, Are you sick and tired of the vuvuzele <http://www.facebook.com/#%21/pages/VUVUZELE-WORLD-CUP-SOUTH-AFRICA-MUTE/134816279866911?ref=ts> sound? We Serbians (trumpet sound lovers) are as well! That's why we are inviting you to join us at biggest jazz event in South Europe "Nisville jazz festival <http://www.nisville.com/>".Together we will enjoy the REAL trumpet sound accompanied with great atmosphere that only EESTEC exchange can provide. Organized in the medieval fortress <http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/1240/centar.jpg> and visited by *100.000 people* last year, Nisville hosted some of the biggest stars jazz produced (Candy Dulfer, Grace Kelly Band, Incognito). This year is no exception though, Steve Hacket, Roy Hargrove, Da Phaz and 50 other bands on 5 different stages will jazz it up for us. Normal price for this festival is about 50 € but as our guest you are getting it for* free* :) But we are not just going to listen, we are also going to try and make some music. We will organize a short workshop about* sound production*. Don't worry! You don't have to know anything about transistors or how to repair a home stereo (although this would be nice cause mine is broken :). Beside a faculty lectures we will also visit a small *studio*, a *radio station* and have a session with a local *DJ*. And of course don't forget our centuries old hedonist legacy! Are you brave enough to try our traditional drink rakija? Don't worry if you have to much of it, the best BBQ in the world including Pljeskavica will help your body to process it. Since City of Nis has a lot of cultural heritage ( Scull tower <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skull_Tower>, Fortress <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ni%C5%A1_Fortress>, Mediana <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mediana>, Constantine the Great <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantine_the_Great>..) we will try to show you as much as we can.We will also take you to some breathtaking places like Devils town <http://www.djavoljavaros.com/index.php?cmbJezik=2&> (new seven world wonders candidate) and Niska Banja <http://www.nistourism.org.rs/niska_banja_eng.html> spa (A spa with radioactive healing water) and some swimming to cool it down a bit. So the crazy summer cocktail goes like this... Traditional Serbian drinks and food, two cubes of great music,a bit of lectures, mix all that in a summer temperature and share it with crazy orgaNICEers. What are you waiting for? JAZZ DO IT! <http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/5156/jazzdoitcopy.jpg> Additional info: cp@eestec.rs <mailto:cp@eestec.rs> useful links http://www.nistourism.org.rs/upoznajte_nis_eng.html www.eestec.rs <http://www.eestec.rs/> Maja Aleksic =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Contact Person EESTEC LC Nis www.eestec.rs <http://www.eestec.rs>