**20th International GI/ITG Conference on “Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems”** https://www.mmb2020.de/ ***2nd Call for Papers*** MMB 2020 ======== March 16 – 18, 2020, Saarbrücken, Germany ----------------------------------------- The GI/ITG Technical Committee on “Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems (MMB)” is the major German forum covering all scientific aspects of measurement, modelling and evaluation of intelligent systems including computer architectures, communication networks, distributed systems and software, autonomous systems, workflow systems, cyber-physical systems and networks, Internet-of-Things, as well as highly dependable, highly performant and highly secure systems. In 2020 the committee invites to its 20th international conference, **MMB 2020**. In addition to the scientific programme, this jubilee edition of the conference will comprise invited keynotes, tool presentations, state-of-the-art tutorials, and workshops focusing on hot topics. Topics of MMB 2020 include: =========================== Models and Methods ------------------ * Quantitative evaluation techniques related to performance, dependability, security, privacy, survivability, real-time constraints, cost, energy-efficiency and combined aspects like performance-security tradeoffs; * Testing, measuring, benchmarking, learning, and runtime monitoring of systems and networks; * Parameter estimation, model learning, extremal-value and outlier analysis, big data analytics, * Queueing models, Markov and non-Markovian models, stochastic concurrency models, fluid models, network calculus, stochastic games, integration of stochastic modeling into formal methods; * Simulation techniques including rare event simulation and parallel and distributed simulation; * Fault-tolerant and dependable computing, redundancy and fault modelling, fault injection methods; * Traffic engineering, network planning and optimization especially for cyber-physical networking; * Models, methods and tools for explainable machine learning; Applications and Case Studies ----------------------------- * Computer and software architectures, cloud computing, fog and edge computing, pervasive and ubiquitous computing, adaptive and self-organizing systems; * Cyber-physical networking, embedded systems, smart environments, Internet-of-Things; * Access, backbone and optical networks, high-speed switching, software-defined networking, mobile and wireless networks, sensor networks, vehicular communication, satellite communication; * Peer-to-peer, overlay and information-centric networks, web-based systems, multimedia systems; * Critical infrastructures, social networks, power-law and scale-invariant systems, biochemical systems; * Green IT, energy-efficient systems, future smart energy networks; * Workflow and logistic systems, data warehousing, traffic and transportation systems; * Blockchains, network economics, accounting, tariffing, auctions, betting; Special Foci of MMB 2020 ------------------------ We plan to organize dedicated sessions on * Cyber-physical networking * Robust machine learning – from evaluation to explanation Submission Instructions ======================= Submission via easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mmb2020 Papers must be unpublished and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere (not enforced for PhD track, see below). All papers will be thoroughly reviewed by at least three referees on the basis of their originality and their scientific and practical contribution to the state-of-the-art. **Full papers:** Papers must be written in English and must not exceed 15 pages (LNCS style, excluding references). **Practical experience reports and industrial papers:** Industrial papers and practical experience reports are much solicited. They should not exceed 8 pages (LNCS style, excluding references). **PhD track papers:** PhD students are encouraged to submit a paper on recent achievements. Reports should not exceed 8 pages (LNCS style, excluding references). PhD track papers are not required to represent original, unpublished work. In these cases authors can opt out of publication. **Tool descriptions:** Special sessions will be arranged to present and demonstrate tools relevant to any topic covered by the Call for Papers. Tool descriptions should not exceed five pages (LNCS style, excluding references). **The proceedings will be published in the Springer LNCS series.** **Full papers are eligible for the MMB 2020 best paper and best student paper awards.** Important Dates =============== Paper and Tools Submission: | November 3, 2019 Author Notification: | January 10, 2020 Final Version: | January 28, 2020 Conference: | March 16 – 18, 2020 General Chair ------------- - Verena Wolf (Saarland U) Keynotes -------- - Calin Belta (Boston U) - Xiaowei Huang (U Liverpool) - Wolfgang Kellerer (TU Munich) Program Chair ------------- - Holger Hermanns (Saarland U) Program Committee ----------------- - Erika Ábrahám (RWTH Aachen) - Peter Buchholz (TU Dortmund) - Hans Daduna (U Hamburg) - Susanna Donatelli (U Torino) - Rüdiger Ehlers (TU Clausthal) - Markus Fidler (U Hannover) - Jean-Michel Fourneau (U Versailles) - Reinhard German (U Erlangen-Nuremberg) - Gerhard Haßlinger (Deutsche Telekom AG) - Boudewijn Haverkort (Tilburg U) - Thorsten Herfet (Saarland U) - Tobias Hoßfeld (U Würzburg) - William Knottenbelt (Imperial College) - Samuel Kounev (U Würzburg) - Wolfram Lautenschläger (Nokia) - Rupak Majumdar (MPI for Software Systems) - Natalia Markovich (Russian Academy of Sci.) - Hermann de Meer (U Passau) - Michael Menth (U Tübingen) - Mohammad Mousavi (U Leicester) - Antoine Rauzy (NTNU & Ecole Cent. de Paris) - Peter Reichl (U Vienna) - Anne Remke (U Münster) - Jens Schmitt (TU Kaiserslautern) - Marielle Stoelinga (U Twente) - Miklós Telek (TU Budapest) - Dietmar Tutsch (U Wuppertal) - Isabel Valera (MPI for Intelligent Systems) - Oliver Waldhorst (HsKA Karlsruhe) - Katinka Wolter (FU Berlin) - Sabine Wittevrongel (U Ghent) - Lijun Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sci.) Award Committee Chair --------------------- - Markus Siegle (UBw Munich) Workshop Chair -------------- - Udo Krieger (U Bamberg) Local Organization ------------------ - Felix Freiberger (Saarland U) - Sabine Nermerich (Saarland U) - Kristina Scherbaum (Saarland U) - Florian Schießl (Saarland U) [Call for Papers as pdf](https://www.mmb2020.de/cfp.pdf) [Submission site](https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mmb2020)