Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to announce a new stable release of PAKCS, see https://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~pakcs/download.html It is a new major release (also part of upcoming Debian und Ubuntu releases) with many small improvements but two bigger changes: 1. A new structure of the standard base libraries: Their structure is more closely with Haskell (e.g., `List` is renamed to `Data.List`) and some specialized libraries (Directory, FilePath, Time,...) have been moved into separate packages. See the release notes or the detailed migration guide at https://git.ps.informatik.uni-kiel.de/curry/curry-libs/-/blob/master/Migrati... 2. Addition of class `Data` with operations `===` (equality) and `aValue` (non-deterministic value generator). This class solves some open problems w.r.t. logic programming. The motivation for this class and its advantages are described in a [DECLARE/WFLP'19 paper](https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-46714-2_15). A short discussion is also added below. Most of the existing Curry packages have been made compatible with this release, see https://www-ps.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~cpm/ Comments and suggestions for improvements are welcome! Best regards, Michael --- Some details about the new class `Data`: The class `Data` provides a strict equality operation `===`. Why? Look at the following "classical" functional logic definition of computing the last element of a list: last :: Eq a => [a] -> a last xs | _ ++ [x] == xs = x where x free Since `==` is part of the class `Eq`, it is defined on particular types in instance declarations. If these definitions are different from the standard `deriving` definitions, it might be possible that `last` computes an element which is not identical to the last element of the list. In Haskell, instances of `==` should be an equivalence relation (rather than "equality", although this is written in many papers and textbooks) so that `last` would compute an element equivalent to the last element. This leads to surprising results (see the "Data" paper for a deeper discussion). These problems are avoided with class `Data`. For each `data` declaration, `Data` instances for the defined type are automatically derived as long as the type is first-order (i.e., does not contain functional types). Hence it is ensured that `===` denotes equality rather than equivalence. Thus, last :: Data a => [a] -> a last xs | _ ++ [x] === xs = x where x free Moreover, free variable have type class constraint `Data` so that they denote first-order values. From a declarative point of view, a free value is equivalent to the non-deterministic value generator `aValue` which is also defined in class `Data`, see > pakcs ... Prelude> aValue :: Maybe Bool Nothing Just False Just True This is the only real change with PAKCS 3.x: There are no "polymorphic" free variables since a free variable has always the class constraint `Data`. ---