Hello, I am in charge of RAM activities for an availability and safety critical system. My design team is using Arcadia-Capella as design methodology. I have searched for a way to perform RAM analyses based on Arcadia-Capella models. I have found in a document (pages 19 and 20 in the attachment freely available on the internet) that a process seems exist, implementing your tool COMPASS. I looked at the info available at http://www.compass-toolset.org. It gives a good impression. Do you have more information to convince that your tool is ready for an industrial application ? You mention that 2 industrial cases used your tool. "One is based on a TAS-F telecommunication platform and the other one on the inter-satellite link (ISL) in case of formation flying." Can you tell more about them ? Thank you in advance. Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Cordialement GANDIBLEUX Jean COAT RAM-Manager SBB AG I-SR40-PMO-EXT Hilfikerstrasse 3, CH-3000 Bern +41 7 83 46 10 00