Dear Jean, thank you for your interest in the COMPASS tool and methodology. The case studies you mention have been developed in some previous ESA studies, including FAME and AUTOGEF (all studies, with related information, are linked here <http://www.compass-toolset.org/projects/>). Being industrial case studies, full details cannot be publicly disclosed. You can find additional information about COMPASS and discussion about case studies developed using the COMPASS toolset in these publications: /COMPASS 3.0 <http://es.fbk.eu/people/bozzano/publications/tacas2019.pdf>/ (Section 5), /Spacecraft Early Design Validation using Formal Methods/(preprint in attach -- for your personal use, please do not re-distribute) and in this PhD Thesis <http://www-i2.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/pub/index.php?type=download&pub_id=1700>. // The COMPASS toolset is a research tool, currently at TRL 4-5. There are plans to extend the toolset in a number of directions -- you can find a discussion in the COMPASS roadmap <https://indico.esa.int/event/161/attachments/1134/1339/CompassRoadmapDraft.pdf>, an open document that describes the status and future of COMPASS, which is open to contributions by the industry. The integration with the Capella/Arcadia methodology is one of such directions. The presentation you found is a report about a proof-of-concept integration that has been performed by Thales Alenia Space in a previous ESA study. If you are willing to evaluate the COMPASS toolset for your purposes, we will be glad to receive feedback about its use and suggestions for improvements and for future extensions. Feel free to contact us in case you need additional information. Best regards, Marco Bozzano ============================================================================== Marco Bozzano, PhD, Researcher at FBK Via Sommarive 18, Povo, 38123 Trento (Italy) ph.: +39-0461-314367 mobile: +39-366-6722580 (calls only, no SMS) bozzano@fbk.eu,http://es.fbk.eu/people/bozzano/ ============================================================================== On 23/01/20 15:41, Gandibleux Jean SBB CFF FFS (Extern) wrote:
I am in charge of RAM activities for an availability and safety critical system.
My design team is using Arcadia-Capella as design methodology.
I have searched for a way to perform RAM analyses based on Arcadia-Capella models.
I have found in a document (pages 19 and 20 in the attachment freely available on the internet)
that a process seems exist, implementing your tool COMPASS.
I looked at the info available at http://www.compass-toolset.org. It gives a good impression.
Do you have more information to convince that your tool is ready for an industrial application ?
You mention that 2 industrial cases used your tool. /“One is based on a TAS-F telecommunication platform and the other one on the inter-satellite link (ISL) in case of formation flying.”/
Can you tell more about them ?//
Thank you in advance.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Cordialement
COAT RAM-Manager
Hilfikerstrasse 3, CH-3000 Bern
+41 7 83 46 10 00
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