Making a genuinely frightening horror film isn't easy. But talented Vancouver film director Tom Raycove has set his sights on raising the bar of horror into that zone where the most intense moments are glimpsed through the spaces between your fingers. The film, called '7th Gate', unfolds from the grim premise that sometimes making the wrong decision at the wrong time can be fatal. But reality, grim or grimmer, is soon swept into another dimension in this...Official 7th Gate website launched January 1st 20057th Gate Gets GreenlightJanuary 2, 20057th Gate Teaser Shoot - It's A Wrap! It's true, nobody ever said making a movie was easy, but that doesn't mean it can't be a lot of fun. For the team at Escape Entertainment the fun factor soared during recent shooting of the teaser for their upcoming feature horror film "7th Gate". "It was incredible," reported Tom Raycove, director and producer, "we anticipated that we'- this thing seems to have legs of its own!" Terri Anne Wilson as the ghostly spirit of