
Information about the Acoustic Colloquium at the Institute of Technical Acoustics (ITA)

Information about the Acoustic Colloquium at the Institute of Technical Acoustics (ITA)

This list is used to send information about the Acoustic Colloquium at the Institute of Technical Acoustics (ITA) at RWTH Aachen University. This list is moderated and is used exclusively for the exchange of information about the colloquium.

To contact the owners of the list, use the following e-mail address: akustik-kolloquium-owner@lists.rwth-aachen.de

Benutzen Sie folgende Adresse, um die Listen-Besitzer zu kontaktieren: akustik-kolloquium-owner@lists.rwth-aachen.de

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Sie können Mitglied werden, ohne zuvor einen Account zu registrieren. Falls Sie dies wünschen, benutzen Sie bitte das Formular unterhalb.