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ComCaseCompetition 2014–

for Graduate students of communication



Dear colleagues


We hereby invite Graduate students at Communication programs at universities and business schools to the 4th ComCaseCompetition’14, a case-competition for students in the field of communication (in a broad sense). We would like to inform you about CCC14 og ask you to spread the good news and help students to apply for participation.



The objectives of the ComCaseCompetition’14 is  

·        to build bridges between education, business and the communication industry

·        to prepare students for the labor market

·        to show case the student’s competencies and skills

·        to cooperate across borders of education, business, departments, and disciplines

·        to give students the opportunity to display their skills, to get spotted and seen by business and industry

·        to establish relevant networks for ambitious students across different communication programs in the whole world


10 teams with a max of 5 students can participate in the ComCaseCompetition’14. At the CCC’14 the reams have to find solutions to an international communication challenge within 24 hours and three teams will present their solution of top communication executives and academics in the field.


ComCaseCompetition ’14

takes place at January 27 (registration from 10:00h) to January 28 (11p.m) at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.


Global case:

Rethink media


The case has been developed together with Egmont Group, one of the biggest Scandinavian international media companies. The topic for the CCC’14 is digital involvement. It represents an existing, rel-life communication challenge: How to build a corporate media brand in a digital and virtual world of interaction, involvement, and dialogue.


You can find more information about the CCC’14 in the attached folder and on the website:

(or just ask me…)


I am looking forward to you reaction and would like to ask to help us to get applications from your institution by



·        sending an e-mail directly to your graduate students (potential candidates)

·        display our information at your website/s

·        distribute flyers and posters material (which we will send by snail mail)

·        and if possible find contact persons in your study program.


Looking forward to applications from teams of your students – and thank you for your cooperation.


On behalf og the organizing committee


Best wishes






Associate Professor

Karl-Heinz Pogner Ph.d.

Copenhagen Business School

Dpt. of Intercultural Communication and Management

Porcelaenshaven 18 A

DK-2000 Frederiksberg










P Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to.