There is a new web interface for the remote administration/configuration of SmartList lists available. It's a new version of rconfig I wrote some time ago but it's completly rewritten and has much more features:
- It let's you access a predefined set of files with your browser for editing. - variables and their values are displayed within a html table. yes/no values can be selected as checkboxes. - You can define which lists and which files within these lists should be modifyable by rconfig. - You can create files, e. g. if you permitted the file footer.txt for the list testing but the file isn't there it will be created if an update will be send. - All commands provided by the SmartList xcommand mechanismn are available. - The web interface can be used with read access for the web server group for certain files (default) or without read access. In the latter case you can send updates via the CGI but you cannot view the files/variables in advance. For the purists: You can also use rconfig without HTTP. - No setuid programms are involved. Authentification is managed through the xcommand mechanismn. - Easy installation through an interactive install script.
Available through anonymous ftp:
I installed and tested rconfig on two linux machines. At the moment it should be considered beta. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated.