Turn 5 $1 Bills into $111,110 at PayPal! Who Won't?
I will! You can too! For just five bucks and 5 minutes!

Just $5 and 5 minutes is all it takes to create a
HUGE income in your PayPal account over
and over again for as long as you want.
With all the scams on the Internet why
not by-pass those scam artists and
make money through email?

We all want a surefire method to make
money and this program is designed
perfectly as $1 to FIVE people
is very low cost and not even worth
cheating and it WORKS!
(Besides, if someone tries to cheat they
only lower the income results for themselves!)

Here are the simple instructions:
1) Goto your PayPal account and send $1 to each of the (5) PayPal accounts
below: and write in the subject line "Please Add Me To Your Mailing List"

If You don't have a PayPal Account, click here and set one up.


We are just starting!

1. Geomic9@aol.com
2. clouds23@univision.com
3. lmck55@hotmail.com
4. lcsummit@iglide.net
5. marlene@cnl.com.au

REMOVE #5 from the list, Move the other 4
accounts Down ONE position, Add your PayPal
account to the TOP of the list and renumber #1
to #5,...#4 is now #5,
#3 is now #4, #2 is now #3, #1 is now #2, and
YOU are #1, very easy to do.

3) Now Just send this out to 10 responsible people!

Here is what happens:
Level#1 You get 10 = 10x$1 = $10
Level#2 Those 10 get 10 = 100x$1 = $100
Level#3 Those 100 get 10 = 1,000x$1 = $1000
Level#4 Those 1,000 get 10 = 10,000x$1 = $10,000
Level#5 Those 10,000 get 10 = 100,000x$1 =$100,000

When Your name reaches level 5 you will make $111,110
Like I said, the cost is so LOW, that it isn't even
worth cheating so honesty will make us all $111,110
richer and you could do this over and over again.
This Is by far the best email MLM program.

Get A PayPal account in 2 minutes here:


You Get $5 for signing up, so the program cost you nothing!

This Is a chance for everyone with a PayPal account to come together for a
common cause and that is to make BIG money? How does that sound to you?

Good Luck