"Mitchell" == Mitchell Darer <mitch@focusing.org> writes:
Mitchell> Does SmartList have an archiving and (hopefully Mitchell> user friendly) search capability? SmartList lists have an "archive" directory, where they store incoming mails. Usually the most recent N mails are stored in archive/latest/ which is expunged after every second or forth mail. The archive can be accessed by e-mail (send mail to the -request address of your list with subject "archive help"; this returns the file "archive.txt".) This includes a search capability based on the UNIX "egrep" command. I have extended the archive via one of the rc.local.s* files to also store mails by month (in archive/Jan00/ etc.). However, if you prefer the archives being in HTML form (so they can be acceessed via WWW), SmartList does not provide this feature itself. To achieve this, I use a program called MHonArc which I also call via one of the rc.local.s* files. MHonArc can be found at http://www.mhonarc.org/. I am not aware of a search capability built into it. Use any search facility provided by your Web site. Some search programs can be restricted to certain areas of the server, like "Mailinglist XY" or "all mailinglists". I can send you those rc.local.s* files if you like. Hans-Albert -- Hans-Albert Schneider <Hans-Albert.Schneider@mchp.siemens.de> Siemens AG phone: (+49) 89 636 45445 Corporate Technology fax: (+49) 89 636 42284 Munich, Germany -- To get my public PGP key, send me a mail with subject "send key" --