I am trying to use rc.local.s10.mhonarc from
to set up an archive for a mailing list.
I have renamed rc.local.s10.mhonarc to rc.local.s30 and added following line to rc.custom
RC_LOCAL_SUBMIT_30 = rc.local.s30
rc.local.s10 and rc.local.s20 are already in use and since I do not know how to merge the recipe in rc.local.s10.mhonarc with either of the two, I renamed it to rc.local.s30 and added a new line in rc.custom.
Could someone please help me understand as to how it all works.
The following is a sample of the results of a search that I receive by email.
This there a way to hide the line number?
ARCHIVE egrep august latest/*
BEGIN---------------cut here------------------
latest/10:16:Monday, August 27, 2001
latest/11:16:Tuesday, August 21, 2001
latest/12:16:Wednesday, August 29, 2001
END-----------------cut here------------------
Thanks for your help!
how can i modyfiy the text for the automatic subscribe/unsubscribe-mail?
The possibilities of a *subscribe.txt*-file in my folder are not enough for
me. I want suppress the information about the transmited data and translate
the rest of the mail to german.
TIA, martin
"Who needs horror movies when we have Microsoft?"
- Christine Comaford, PC Week
Does SmartList have an archiving and (hopefully user friendly) search capability?
[I'm not interested in the archives of this Disc List, but of the list I run for my
Mitch Darer
Mitchell Darer, WebMaster, mitch(a)
The Focusing Institute, 34 East Lane, Spring Valley, NY 10977 (845) 362-5222 (phone/fax)
At 11:41 AM -0400 7/28/00, Werner Reisberger is rumored to have typed:
> I never saw any
> admin reply to the numerous complains about spam messages.
Actually, that's not _strictly_ true, since I remember when Stephen was
actually maintaining the list (and probably anally have archives of the list
from that time somewhere on some floppy or MO cart from a long time ago and
far far away). But you're right, it's been _years_ since he's been around.
However, the list belongs to the maintainer (or at least the machine's
admin), not the members. You'll get no argument from me that the list should
be moved (I believe I said exactly that a couple of times), but to suggest
the admins need to take a poll to ask what they may or may not do with the
existing list is silly, to say the least. They are certainly able to move
this list to mailman without the list subscriber's permission - indeed, they
_have_ done so, which makes my point for me.
Whether we should move this list to a SmartList server is a completely
seperate which Philip should probably weigh in on, since he is
now maintaining the procmail/SmartList source and as such the de facto head
of our band of merry wanderers...
Good to confirm... I checked "confirm" add-on at the Smartlist FAQ but
it does not load to my browser. So I came up a simple 'rc.local.r10'
to do the verifications, attached beblow.
I tried some simple tests and it worked for me. May need more tests
to improve.
when I copied to the mail window there are some added line breaks. I
hope one can restore these breaks for tests..
#$Id: rc.local.r10,v 0.01
# 2005/08/22 19:28:16 Zhiliang Hu
:0 w
* ^Subject:.*\@
FROMADDR =`formail -rtzxTo:`
SUBJADDR =`formail -xSubject: |perl -pe
SUBJCOMD =`formail -xSubject: |perl -pe
DATEMARK = `date +"%s"`
:0 ic # "i" -- supress "writing errors" ('header/body
passed to nothing' error)
* ^Subject:.*sub
| echo "$SUBJADDR $SUBJCOMD" > $tmpreqloc/$DATEMARK
# If the same address, re-formulate a subscription mail to server
* ? formail -rtzxTo: | multigram -b1 -x$listreq -x$listaddr \
-l$reject_threshold $tmpreqloc/$DATEMARK
| (formail -I"From: $FROMADDR" -I"Subject: $SUBJCOMD") \
| $SENDMAIL -oi $listreq
# If different address, email the target person for confirmation
:0 E
| (formail -i"From: $listreq" -i"Subject: subscription confirmation
needed" \
-I "To: $SUBJADDR"; \
echo "Confirmation code: $DATEMARK"; \
echo " "; \
echo "This list server has received a '$SUBJCOMD' request for";
echo "$SUBJADDR from $FROMADDR"; \
echo " "; \
echo "If this is what you wanted and wish to confirm, please reply to"; \
echo "this mail, and copy the entire 'Confirmation code' line on
the"; \
echo "top of this mail into the 'Subject:' field. The
confirmation must"; \
echo "be made in 7 days. After 7 days, the request will be
dropped from"; \
echo "the server."; \
echo " "; \
echo "List Daemon for ANGENMAP") | $SENDMAIL -oi $SUBJADDR
* ^Subject:.*Confirmation code:
CONFNAM =`formail -xSubject: | perl -pe 's/Confirmation
code:\s+([0-9]{9,})/$1/sg; s/[\s]+//g;'`
COMMAND =`cat $tmpreqloc/$CONFNAM | perl -pe
:0 fhw
* ? formail -rtzxTo: | multigram -b1 -x$listreq -x$listaddr \
-l$reject_threshold $tmpreqloc/$CONFNAM
| formail -I"Subject: $COMMAND"
:0 E
| formail -I"Listmarster: sub/unsub help needed" | $SENDMAIL -oi
### END ###
On Sun, 21 Aug 2005, Charlie Summers wrote:
> At 1:35 PM -0400 8/21/05, Zhiliang Hu is rumored to have typed:
> > as the format in the quoted examples are not consistent
> They are PERFECTLY consistant; those with a single "#" are defaults in
> rc.init; those with double "##" _change_ the default action.
> This is covered in the FAQ (see 2.1), available at
> - I suggest you read it.
> Charlie Summers
I am learning PERFECT rules here. Thanks.
How about my first question? Is it a Smartlist default feature that
everyone can sub/unsub anyone else? (alternative is uncomment
auto-sub/unsub to completely disable it?)
I did a few tests and found anyone can subscribe/unsubscribe any email
address to my Smartlist by a "sub/unsub anyuser(a)anyaddress.domain".
(The part worries me is the sub'ed/unsub'ed address does not receive a
confirmation from the server - the confirmation is sent to the
address that issued the requests only).
I checked through the 'rc.custom' but didn't identify the line that
control this behavior. Could someone please advice for my possible
Also I have a comment on the format of the 'rc.custom' file -- often
I am confused as which line to "uncomment", as in (quote):
----------------------------------------------------quote start
#auto_subscribe = yes
##auto_subscribe # uncomment to disable unattended
# subscription handling
##auto_help = yes # uncomment to enable default help
# responses to all undecipherable
# requests
-----------------------------------------------------quote end
as the format in the quoted examples are not consistent, which leads
one to twist the tongue for the logic wordings -- the first line (with
single '#') or the 2nd line (with double '##')? Or the line with
'yes' or the line without 'yes'? Although I could have a good bet
after a couple seconds on the 2nd ('##') line, I would suggest leave
only one line for "comment"/"un-comment" for more clarity. In my
opinion the first lines as perhaps headers only adds confusions.
Thanks in advance.
Currently my Smartlist saves mail archive with permission 660 and
group of the list account, like in:
-rw-rw---- 1 slist slist 1860 Jun 6 09:38 4298
How may I change it to save with permission 644 or with a
different group? (I have already made ~slist a member of another
group), like in
-rw-r--r-- 1 slist slist 1860 Jun 6 09:38 4298
-rw-rw---- 1 slist web 1860 Jun 6 09:38 4298
I guess it would be somewhere in rc.submit but appreciate any hint.
Normally I use sendmail on my own server for sending smartlist
However, for special reasons, I now need to use a remote smtp
server for one particular list.
I could not get the sendmail documentation to reveal to me
the secret for doing that. And presuming that I can find it,
then what would be sensible way to inform smartlist about it.
I have guessed someting along the lines of using rc.custom
and setting $sendmailOPT.
Thanks for your advice.
Seth Chaiklin