Liebe Freunde der Forschung,
im Rahmen des SFB 540 wird
Dr. Paul Hovland
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
am 21.2. um 15:00 Uhr
folgenden Vortrag halten,
Application Services for Scientific Computing
Many business software vendors have developed, or announced plans to
develop, mechanisms for using their software over the Internet.
Such application services are attractive from a user standpoint because
of their wide availability and from an administrator/developer
because of increased maintainability. Recently, the trend toward
services has started to appear in the scientific computing community.
We discuss some of the application services developed by the Mathematics
and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory, including
Network Enabled Optimization System (NEOS) Server and the Automatic
Differentiation of C (AdiC) Server, as well as preliminary work on web
to the Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computing (PETSc).
We also provide a brief survey of related work.
Der Vortrag findet in unserem Seminarraum LPT R215 statt
Alle SFB'er, aber auch alle weiteren Interessierten, sind herzlich
Mit freundlichem Grüßen,
Adel Mhamdi
Sehr geehrte SFB'ler,
für den internen Workshop kann ich Ihnen endlich die Termine nennen.
Da voraussichtlich ein Arbeitstag nicht ausreichend ist, sind zwei
Tage vorgesehen:
Dienstag, 03.04.01 und Donnerstag, 19.04.01
Die Uhrzeit steht noch nicht fest, wird Ihnen aber so bald wie
möglich mitgeteilt.
Veranstaltungsort ist der Seminarraum, Lehrstuhl für Prozesstechnik,
Turmstr. 46, 2. Etage.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Annette Bernheiden
Lehrstuhl für Prozesstechnik
RWTH Aachen
Turmstr. 46
52056 Aachen
Tel: 0241-80 46 68
Fax: 0241-8888 326
Email: bernheiden(a)
"José A. B. Assis" wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> NOTE: Past postings on the CAST10 Email List are archived on the
> World Wide Web at
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Marie Curie Development Host Fellowships
> The Department of Process Modelling and Simulation (DMS), of the
> Portuguese Institute for Engineering and Industrial Technology (INETI),
> is making public an invitation for the enrolment of three research
> fellows.
> The Institute for Engineering and Industrial Technology (INETI) is a
> public institution devoted to research, development and demonstration
> and to technical, technological and laboratory assistance. INETI is part
> of the Portuguese Ministry of Economy.
> The Department of Process Modelling and Simulation (DMS), located at
> INETI's campus, is a multidisciplinary unit, with competencies in fields
> ranging from modelling, simulation, and software engineering, to
> production management, and innovation and technology management.
> 1) The enrolment is undertaken under the IHP European Programme, which
> governs all applicable condition, including those related to eligibility
> and financial arrangements.
> 2) Fellows are subject to selection by the Host and confirmation by the
> Commission services.
> 3) Fellows must have a PhD, obtained in a Higher Education Institution,
> recognised in the European Union.
> 4) Each eligible Fellow will enter a 12 to 24 months contract with INETI
> and will be assigned the status of an Invited Researcher. He/she will be
> granted social security benefits and will be paid Euro 22 800
> (indicative net yearly subsistence allowance).
> 5) The working language is English; Fellows are also required to have
> communication skills in either English, French, Portuguese or Spanish.
> A- Supply-chain (SC) network formation, management and productivity, and
> dominant features and driving factors
> Preference shall be given to applicants with a background in management
> or business sciences and experience in conducting fieldwork in
> enterprises, supported by a command of qualitative and quantitative
> methods of data analysis; experience in issues related to the management
> of SC networks would be an advantage.
> B- Autonomous agents and conflict negotiation frameworks
> Preference shall be given to applicants with a background in
> informatics, and expertise in artificial intelligence; a Fellow
> contribution is expected for the implementation of intentional agents
> and of negotiation frameworks, tailored to a specific SC environment.
> C- Mathematical modelling and optimisation of multi-task batch processes
> and/or supply-chain networks
> Preference shall be given to applicants with a process systems
> engineering background, with knowledge of the State-Task Network
> superstructure description and experience in the modelling and
> optimisation of multi-task batch operated manufacturing plants;
> experience in the use of packages such as CPLEX, XPRESS, GAMS/lDlCOPT
> would be an advantage; a Fellow contribution is expected for the
> development of a generalised description for the scheduling of the
> operation of these plants while integrated in and interacting with a SC.
> 1. All fellows must be nationals of an EU Member or Associated State, or
> have resided in the EU for at least five years immediately prior to
> their selection by the host institution.
> 2. They must not undertake their fellowship in the country of their
> nationality or recent centre of activity.
> 3. At the time of selection the fellow must be 35 years old or less.
> 4. Researchers must have a doctoral degree.
> Some degree of supervision of young research trainees wiIl also be
> expected from the Fellows.
> To apply, interested research fellows should send an application,
> quoting the reference A, B, or C (check Areas of Expertise Sought,
> above). It must include:
> 1. a short CV (maximum 2 A4 pages)
> 2. a brief statement of her/his research interests, and how the host
> institution will benefit from her/his expertise
> 3. two recent papers, preferably in English (papers should be sent by
> mail, if they are not availabe electronically)
> 4. the names and full business addresses of two referees
> E-mail applications are accepted and preferred.
> Successful applicants will be notified by e-mail, confirmed by letter.
> The first research fellow will then be expected to start as soon as
> possible.
> Director
> Est. Pa=E7o do Lumiar, 22 - Edif. K3
> 1649-038 Lisboa
> e-mail: anovais(a)
> fax: + 351.21.716.70.16
> tel: + 351.21.716.51.41, ext 2637
> For detailed information about this Marie Curie Development Host
> Fellowship, please
> 1. visit the site
> 2. type the Contract Number: HPMD-2000-00016
> 3. press SEARCH
> Further details about the eligibility criteria may also be found on
> INETI is an Equal Opportunities employer.
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Vielen Dank.
Adel Mhamdi
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