Dear Anas,

I'm sorry, but I can't help you much with this matter. You need to contact the International Office of the university who can tell what you need to enroll at Aachen University.

You can find all contact information at:

The only thing I know is that you have to pass an official exam in German to be allowed at a German university, this is what you are doing the Studienkolleg for. Supposing that after the 17 of December 2004 you met those requirements, you might be able to start at the institute by April (start of sommer term).

At the moment we are the point of changing curricula. So far, we haven't introduced a BA / MA system, but (allegedly) this w! ill be done by October 2004. This means that with the BA you have, you might already get into the MA programme, but I won't promise, because I don't know about the acceptance of BAs from foreign university. You need to check this with the International Office as well.

Hope this helps a bit.

Kind regards,

Britta Weber

(Seniorat Anglistik)

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