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Winter 2005


In partnership with ZAV

British Charity for volunteering work overseas

Why this ezine?

We are proud to bring you this first online e-zine by GAP Activity Projects in partnership with ZAV (Zentralstelle fuer Arbeitsvermittlung). In this e-zine, you will find information about how young people can take part in volunteering projects overseas. Applications can be made on-line on

Kind Regards,

Sofie Verzylbergen
International Projects Officer

If you would like to tell us what you think of this e-zine or if you have any questions, please email us

Sofie Verzylbergen International Projects Officer at GAP

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You can order free GAP flyer/posters for your school or careers library. Click here to order these leaflets

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If you would not like to receive future editions of the GAP e-zine please let us know. Otherwise why not keep your colleagues up to date with GAP developments by subscribing them to this free quarterly e-zine.

Upcoming Events

There are currently no events scheduled in Holland, but if you want for somebody to visit your school to talk about gap years and GAP Activity Projects please contact us here


GAP Activity Projects is a registered charity no. 272761 and a founder member of the Year Out Group in The UK

Duke of Edinburgh's Award Access Organisation Year Out Group


Why information about projects abroad?

Do you want to...

  • Make a difference?

  • Learn or perfect a language?

  • Experience a different way of life?

  • Grow as a person and become more independent and confident?

  • Gain schools/caring/environmental work experience overseas?

  • Have FUN, make new friends, see the world?

  • Have an adventure?

Young German people tell us that they want to travel overseas to experience a totally new culture. Many choose to put on a backpack, book a flight and go....

GAP Activity Projects can offer you more. You will not only have the chance to travel overseas and to perfect your English, you will also gain valuable work experience by helping and becoming part of the local community. You will be supported all the way and usually placed with another GAPper who could even be from another country than you.

Never heard of a "gap year" before?

Who are GAP Activity Projects?

GAP Activity Projects is a registered charity specialised in volunteering work overseas for 18-25 year olds. GAP was founded in 1972 and has already placed around 25.000 people abroad. Young people can go on a gap year with us whenever they want: before, during or after their education / work..

Projects in The UK, Thailand, Australia, India, Mexico, New Zealand and Canada last between 4 and 12 months and cost 1400 Euros (for Thailand there is an extra charge for a teaching skills course), food and accommodation are included. There are many different kinds of projects in the following categories: boarding schools, caring (sozial Arbeit), schools/caring, marine biology, camps, teaching German as a foreign language and community.

We are looking for young people who speak a reasonable level of English (and Spanish for Mexico) and are motivated to volunteer. Safety is our number one concern and GAP has representatives in all destinations.More information is available on .

Read more about GAP's partnership with ZAV

Last minute placement vacancies Australia & Thailand!

NEW:"Community" projects in Australia, for departure winter 2006!! GAP has opened some new volunteering projects in Australia. Apart from the existing schools projects, whereby young people help in boarding schools with assisting teachers, coaching sport and looking after the children, GAP now also offers "Community Projects" Read more....

NEW: "Teaching German as a Foreign Language in Thailand, for departure May 2006!! Hurry, we still have a few places left on this programme!!! Further information can be found under "GAPper Profiles" in this newsletter.

It is not too late for you to apply to do a gap year with GAP Activity Projects! Placements are allocated on a first come first served basis and the earlier students can apply the more likely they are to get their first choice, see

GAPper Profiles

Young German people can now teach German as a foreign language in Thailand, with a week teacher training from GAP.

Helen Bray from the UK taught English in Thailand this year:

"Throughout the final year of “A-levels” or “Abitur”, every student is faced with options… Will it be studying Chemistry, History or Sport Science? Working in an office or getting an internship? Do I choose the university offering the best facilities or the one that has the best night life?! One decision that is likely to determine the rest of your options, possibly for life, is whether to go abroad for a year first or not......."

For the full story Click here

Project of the month??

Amazing Mexico

GAP has placements all over Mexico for volunteers wishing to work in schools or orphanages. The vast range of opportunities both geographically and in terms of social conditions give GAPpers an opportunity to experience the real Mexico whilst doing something worthwhile within the local community.



GAP Activity Projects, GAP House, 44 Queens Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 4BB
Tel: +44(0)118 959 4914 Fax: +44(0)118 957 6634
Email: Web-site: