
this is a rather difficult question... because it depends on a number of factors. For example, if you've done your intermediate exams already it shouldn't (NO GUARANTEE!!!!, the strees is on it SHOULDN'T) be a problem to transfer this and go on with the "Hauptstudium". If you haven't done the intermediate exam already or have already gained credits for the Hauptstudium it's upon the decision of the individual professor whether he or she will acknowledge the Bayreuth credit for an Aachen equivalent. It MIGHT be that our student advisor could also acknowledge some credits but definitively not all, the ultimate decision rests with the professor. The thing is that the courses you've done need to be comparable with the ones you would have done here in Aachen. Say, if you've done a general introduction to modern English linguistics thi! s should be rather easy to transfer. But, as you say, you study American Studies. Here, American studies are integrated part of English literature, which counts as one subject in the MA-course. Thus, you need two more subjects for an MA-course, eg. English linguistics, History, Economics, German literature, Romance linguistics,... (I think there are some 25 other subjects...).


For more definite information, please contact Dr. Mirbach (mirbach@anglistik3.rwth-aachen.de) and / or the professor you think teaches roughly the same as you've done in Bayreuth (check out the professors on our institute's homepage, the American studies specialist is Prof. L. Deringer).


Hope that helped a bit, if you have any other questions get back to us,

Kind regards,

Britta Weber

(Seniorat Anglistik)


denitsa georghieva <denizenn@yahoo.com> schrieb am 28.07.04! 08:36:37:

HI people,
I have some questions that I thought you will be able to answer quicker and with the details that I need. 
I am not well familiar with the German rules of trasfering credits. Can you probably help me find out if I can transfer credits from Bayreuth University and finish my MA in Aachen University.  Do you know people that have done this?
Denitsa Georgieva

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