Dear Dr. van Albada,

please group the talks of the Workshop on Automatic Differentiation into two sessions as follows:
Session 1 (more application-oriented): Bartlett, Kim, Kowarz, Sandu
Session 2 (more tool-oriented): Kharche, Hascoet, Strout, Kreaseck

In this context, I would also like to remind you that a non-conflict of those sessions with
the Workshop "Advances in Parameter Estimation in Computational Science "
would be a good thing, as I expect that quite a few attendees of our workshop (myself included) would like to attend this workshop as well.

Best regards,
    Chris Bischof


Prof. Christian Bischof, Ph.D.

Institute for Scientific Computing and Center for Computing and Communications

RWTH Aachen University

Seffenter Weg 23, 52074 Aachen, Germany

Tel. +49-241-8029110, Fax +49-241-8022241,,