Dear Open mesh developers, 

In the introduction to OpenMesh in the following website:

reference is made to the paper:

Botsch, Mario; S. Steinberg; S. Bischoff; L. Kobbelt: OpenMesh - a generic and efficient polygon mesh data structure, 1st OpenSG Symposium, 2002.

In this article it is reported that:

Our current OpenMesh implementation can handle complex vertices, but does at the moment not support complex edges. (Complex edges are characterized by belonging to more than two faces.)

I need to make meshes like the one on the right in the figure below. For example: more than two faces have the same side in common. Since the article mentioned dates back to 2002, I wanted to ask you if OpenMesh can now handle these type of meshes.


 I also read what is reported in the OpenVolumeMesh project and found that this tool allows you to manage meshes composed of volume elements and somehow generalizes Openmesh, allowing you to represent more complex geometries. In my work, I don't have to manage volumes but I have to manage surfaces that have branches (in particular I model fractures in the materials).

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Carlo Peruzzo

Carlo Peruzzo,
Doctoral Assistant
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

+41 21 69 37647

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