Hi OpenMesh contributors!

My first post here:

I am trying to subdivide some face into 4 faces using the adaptive composite subdivision framework provided through OpenMesh/Tools/Subdivider/Adaptive/Composite/CompositeT.hh

I am having a hard time setting the rule. I would like to use a one-to-four subdivision, and to do so, set a new rule (OpenMesh::Subdivider::Adaptive::Tvv4).

Currently, I am trying the following:

using openmesh = OpenMesh::TriMesh_ArrayKernelT<CompositeTraits>;

OpenMesh::Subdivider::Adaptive::CompositeT<openmesh> subdivider(mesh);

std::cout << "subdivision type " << subdivider.subdiv_type() << std::endl;

auto faceHandle = m_openMesh->face_handle(faceIdx);
Subdivision type is 0, while I am expecting 3.

Can you help on this issue please? 

Best regards,
