
One month ago I discovered OpenFlipper and I started working on a plugin.
I am currently striving for adding a new scene viewer and I wish you could help me since I am having some difficulties.

Here are the features I want to implement that give me troubles:
My plugin can open a new popup window which shows a 2D-planar-view of the 3D-mesh currently loaded in the main OpenFlipper's viewport.
In this popup, the user is provided with some features already available in the main Openflipper's viewport such as zoom/pan and pick.

Actually, I digged into OpenMesh's Core and CoreWidget source code to check the main viewport's display and try to adapt it to my plugin.
At this point, I am trying to copy the main scenegraph's structure and to create another scenegraph, handled by my plugin so that my plugin doesn't mess with OpenFlipper's own scenegraph.

I am wondering if I am currently heading in the good direction or if it's possible to achieve my goals by the mean of adding nodes in Openflipper's main scenegraph, or any other way you could indicate me.

Thanks for your help!
William Chu