Dear OpenFlipper-Team,


my TriMesh does have color per vertex as well as custom properties such as label per vertex, distance (to model) per vertex, curvature per vertex and so on. Depending on user choice, I want to switch color schemes. What is the best way to do this while maintaining all functionality included in OpenFlipper (e.g. Decimator, Remesher, …).


I did something similar with point clouds, but ended up replacing SplatCloud by my own code – which I needed to do anyways due to custom data structures. And since there is not much functionality for SplatClouds included in OpenFlipper, replacing it was no issue.


But for OpenMesh data structures I don’t know what to do. My ideas:

1.       Make changes directly in OpenFlipper (e.g. MeshNode2T.hh, MeshObjectT.hh and so on), but this might be a licensing issue.

2.       Write a plugin that does set the color properties per vertex accordingly (while saving the original color values in a secondary color property when switching to different color schemes).


Am I missing something? Can you please advise on how I should approach this?


Thank you in advance.


Kind regards,








Beschreibung: Beschreibung: Beschreibung: ipa_logo1
Jens Kühnle        
MSc. Dipl.-Math.


Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA

Abteilung Bild- und Signalverarbeitung

Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart, Germany

Tel:    +49 711 970 1861
Fax:   +49 711 970 1004