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Vortragender: Herr Stefan Kühl, M. Sc.
Thema: *Adaptive Algorithms for the Identification of Time-Variant
Acoustic Systems*
Zeit: Montag, 7. März 2022, 11:00 Uhr
979 0415 7921
Passwort: 481650
Many digital speech and audio communication systems incorporate models
of acoustic systems during signal processing. Often, the impulse
responses of these acoustic systems have to be identified during or
before using a communication system by means of adaptive algorithms.
Acoustic systems describe how sound is affected during transmission
between a source and a receiver. Examples of acoustic systems comprise
rooms with reflections from boundaries and scattering from objects,
communication devices such as smartphones or smart home devices, or even
a human head where shadowing effects occur. In many situations, the
impulse responses of these systems need to be identified. Possible
scenarios are acoustic measurements or system identification in speech
communication applications, e.g., for accoustic echo cancellation (AEC).
Depending on the specific use case, vertain aspects have to be taken
into account. For a measurement the excitation signal can be designed,
whereas for speech communication applications the system's excitation is
the speech signal that cannot be altered. Hence, for the latter case,
correlation has to be considered during the system identification. In
addition, the systems to be identified may vary over time when the
acoustic environment changes, e.g., due to moving objects. Therefore,
adaptive algorithms must be used to track the system's state. Additional
challenges arise when considering the identification of multiple
channels simultaneously.
This thesis considers different aspects of systems identification of
time-variant acoustic systems in a joint framework for diverse scenarios.
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Irina Esser
Institute of Communication Systems (IKS)
RWTH Aachen University
Muffeter Weg 3a, 52074 Aachen, Germany
+49 241 80 26958 (phone)