Dear subscribers of the colloquium newsletter,
we are happy to inform you about the next date of our Communication
Technology Colloquium at IKS.
*Friday, September 24, 2021*
*Speaker:* Frederik Blang
*T**ime:* 2:00 p.m.
Meeting-ID: 979 0415 7921
Passwort: 481650
*Master-Lecture*: Speech Enhancement for Active Occlusion Cancellation
on Noisy Environments
The natural perception of one's own voice while wearing a headset is
increasingly in the focus of customers and manufacturers. Due to the
occlusion effect which occurs when the ear canal is blocked,
body-conducted sound is amplified, resulting in an unpleasant sound of
the own voice. It becomes difficult to control the volume of one's own
voice leading to earlier vocal fatigue. Active Occlusion Cancellation
(AOC) aims to suppress this effect and can be combined with a
hear-through system for a natural own-voice perception. In noisy
environments, for example call centers, it is desirable to only equalize
the own voice. Some business headsets already provide a sidetone which
uses a boom microphone to record the own voice, however this signal
often isn't equalized.
This thesis develops a real-time system which provides a natural
own-voice perception for the user of a headset using the boom
microphone. Besides the implementation of a filter for the direct sound,
also the room reverberation of one's own voice is estimated using
convolution. Algorithmic room simulation on a DSP is considered, but
ultimately rejected due to memory card. The low-latency filtering of the
direct sound is performed on the DSP, while the longer room filters are
run on the PC. Evaluations using simulations and measurements show the
direct-path filter to perform well, while the room filters can't provide
a natural estimation of the room sound.
All interested parties are cordially invited, registration is not required.
General information on the colloquium, as well as a current list of
dates of the Communication Technology Colloquium can be found at
Irina Ronkartz
Institute of Communication Systems (IKS)
RWTH Aachen University
Muffeter Weg 3a, 52074 Aachen, Germany
+49 241 80 26958 (phone)
Dear subscribers of the colloquium newsletter,
we are happy to inform you about the next date of our Communication
Technology Colloquium.
*Thursday, September 16, 2021*
*Speaker:* Vlerar Shala
*Time:* 11:00 a.m.
Meeting-ID: 979 0415 7921
Passwort: 481650
*Master-Lecture*: AI-Based Optimization of Pulse Shaped OTFS for
Vehicular Communication
Future vehicular communication systems require a reliable communication
to enable connected and automated driving. Vehicular channels are
considered to be truly doubly-dispersive channels, i.e., strongly
varying in both time and frequency. However, the performance of the
traditional wireless communication systems operating under
doubly-dispersive channels degrades significantly. Orthogonal time
frequency and space (OTFS) is a recently proposed modulation scheme
designed to be robust against doubly-dispersive channels. OTFS is a new
and novel two-dimensional (2D) pulse-shaped modulation scheme designed
in the delay-Doppler (DD) domain and promises significant improvements
on the physical layer. OTFS is a combination of classical Gabor
signaling with a unique time-frequency (TF) spreading. Data symbols are
located in the DD domain and spread over the entire TF domain using the
symplectic finite Fourier transform (SFFT). The TF spreading accounts in
a linear fashion for the doubly dispersive nature of time-variant
multi-path channel. The TF spreading is also referred to as OTFS
transform and the Gabor transform as the Heisenberg transform. However,
OTFS requires proper channel information and the use of appropriated
equalizers to exploit the full spreading gain.
Doubly-dispersive channels are characterized by their spreading region
spanned by two times max, and max, corresponding to the maximum
Doppler shift and delay spread. To mitigate the strong interference
between different TF slots, TF grid and pulses should “match” the DD
spreading region of the doubly-dispersive channel, typically determined
on a longer time scale-like. This approach is known as pulse and grid
matching rule. In this thesis, we use the so-called mobility modes with
distinct grid and pulses to follow the pulse and grid matching rule.
However, mobility modes control the interference on a coarse level
because they cannot match the pulse and grid matching rule completely.
The remaining interference is accounted by the implemented mean square
error (MMSE) linear equalizer, which is tuned for each frame. We
implement the OTFS transceiver based on a polyphase implementation for
orthogonalized Gaussian pulses and evaluate mobility modes with
doubly-dispersive vehicular channels generated by the QuaDRiGa channel
For practical implementation, the performance of mobility modes should
be predicted and then the mobility mode with the best performance is
selected to send the next frame. However, the prediction of mobility
modes requires the prediction of the channel itself. In this thesis, we
propose a novel method to predict the channel by predicting the
spreading function which represents the channel in the DD domain. We
propose to predict the spreading function using a new variant of Long
Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks known as Convolutional LSTM.
The architecture of Convolutional LSTM is both recurrent and
convolutional which enables it to capture the spatiotemporal correlation
of the data and utilize it for the prediction.
All interested parties are cordially invited, registration is not required.
General information on the colloquium, as well as a current list of
dates of the Communication Technology Colloquium can be found at:
Irina Ronkartz
Institute of Communication Systems (IKS)
RWTH Aachen University
Muffeter Weg 3a, 52074 Aachen, Germany
+49 241 80 26958 (phone)
Dear subscribers of the colloquium newsletter,
we are happy to inform you about the next date of our Communication
Technology Colloquiums.
*Friday, September 10, 2021*
*Speaker:* Rocio Martin Lima
*Time:* 11:00 a.m.
Meeting-ID: 979 0415 7921
Passwort: 481650
*Master Lecture:* Optimized Receiver Systems Preserving Maximum Relevant
Mutual Information
In modern communication systems the receiver-sided signal processing
often results in bottlenecks. In particular, high-speed computations in
channel decoders are demanding, but also crucial to achieve high data
rates. Therefore, reduced complexity decoding algorithms for the widely
used low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are developed in this thesis.
State-of-the-art LDPC decoders use costly mathematical operations and
high-precision log-likelihood ratios in iterative message passing
algorithms. Both typically results in high decoder complexity.
In contrast, this thesis proposes to design check node operations that
decode directly using the bit-level representation of strongly quantized
integer messages. Like this, small logical circuits that only use simple
bit-level operations (e.g. XOR) on the passed messages can replace
demanding check node operations. At the same time, only a small number
of bits per message is required. An information bottleneck inspired
design method is applied to learn suitable logical circuits for
decoding. This method involves genetic optimization algorithms.
All interested parties are cordially invited, registration is not required.
General information on the colloquium, as well as a current list of
dates of the Communication Technology Colloquium can be found at:
Irina Ronkartz
Institute of Communication Systems (IKS)
RWTH Aachen University
Muffeter Weg 3a, 52074 Aachen, Germany
+49 241 80 26958 (phone)