--- English version below ---
Sehr geehrte Abonnenten des Kolloquium-Newsletters,
gerne informieren wir Sie über den nächsten Termin unseres
Kommunikationstechnischen Kolloquiums.
*Montag, 31. August 2020*
*Vortragender*: Sumedh J. Dongare
*Zeit**:* 14:00 Uhr
Meeting-ID: 979 0415 7921
Passwort: 481650
*Master-Vortrag*: Optimized Compression Functions for Reduced Complexity
Informatin Bottleneck Detection and Decoding
The detection and the decoding at the receiver side is of crucial
importance and often the optimum signal processing algorithms result in
high implementation complexity. Therefore, sub-optimal algotihms with
close to optimum performance are needid in practice. The information
bottleneck method is a novel method for the detection and decoding with
the low complexity that maximizes the mutual information. The main idea
of such signal processing method is to design mutual information
preserving mappings that replace the traditional signal processing
operations to reduce complexity. These mappings are typically
implemented as look-up tables. For instance, the literature successfully
applies this method for the decoding of binary low-density parity-check
codes. The low-density parity-check codes are gaining more and more
attention since their non-binary generalization has been found out which
has better error correction capabilities than their binary equivalents.
Due to the advancements in the computational capabilities of the devies,
research in this field is a current hot topic. It turns out that the
decoding of the non-binary low-density parity-check codes is an
application which does not allow the straight forward application of the
mutual information maximizing signals processing. The main problems are
that the decoding requires systems with many input variables and in
addition, the symbols from higher order fields can take more than two
values. As a result the look-up table based approach which works well in
case of binary codes, here results in look-up of prohibitive size.
This motivates me to explore and investigate compression functions which
can maximize the relevant mutual information but can be characterized
using much fewer parameters than look-up tables. Such functions are
designed in this thesis with a novel approach which relies on the
genetic algorithms. Such algorithms are inspired from the natural
evolution of the species. The novel approach allows to construct and
analyze systems which cannot be designed with the look-up table based
approach. This thesis compares the resulting systems to other
state-of-the-art signal processing systems in terms of symbol error rate
performance and also in terms of the ability to preserve relevant mutual
The refernce system which is considered typically in this thesis is the
soft symbol demodulator which has to be applied when non-binary
low-density parity-check codes shall be used with binary modulation.
Such demodulators designed using the novel approach are compared whith
the look-up table based approach and traditonal soft symbol
demodulators. The thesis develops a powerful class of parametrizable
mappings that can be optimized using the genetic algorithms. Most
importantly, the novel approach allows to achieve performance close to
that of a soft symbol demodulator in many investigated scenarios.
Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen, eine Anmeldung ist nicht
Allgemeine Informationen zum Kolloquium sowie eine aktuelle Liste der
Termine des Kommunikationstechnischen Kolloquiums finden Sie unter:
Dear subscribers of the colloquium newsletter,
we are happy to inform you about the next date of our communication
technology colloquium.
*Monday, August 31, 2020*
*Speaker*: Sumedh J. Dongare
*Time*: 2:00 p.m.
Meeting-ID: 979 0415 7921
Passwort: 481650
*Master Lecture*: Optimized Compression Functions for Reduced Complexity
Informatin Bottleneck Detection and Decoding
The detection and the decoding at the receiver side is of crucial
importance and often the optimum signal processing algorithms result in
high implementation complexity. Therefore, sub-optimal algotihms with
close to optimum performance are needid in practice. The information
bottleneck method is a novel method for the detection and decoding with
the low complexity that maximizes the mutual information. The main idea
of such signal processing method is to design mutual information
preserving mappings that replace the traditional signal processing
operations to reduce complexity. These mappings are typically
implemented as look-up tables. For instance, the literature successfully
applies this method for the decoding of binary low-density parity-check
codes. The low-density parity-check codes are gaining more and more
attention since their non-binary generalization has been found out which
has better error correction capabilities than their binary equivalents.
Due to the advancements in the computational capabilities of the devies,
research in this field is a current hot topic. It turns out that the
decoding of the non-binary low-density parity-check codes is an
application which does not allow the straight forward application of the
mutual information maximizing signals processing. The main problems are
that the decoding requires systems with many input variables and in
addition, the symbols from higher order fields can take more than two
values. As a result the look-up table based approach which works well in
case of binary codes, here results in look-up of prohibitive size.
This motivates me to explore and investigate compression functions which
can maximize the relevant mutual information but can be characterized
using much fewer parameters than look-up tables. Such functions are
designed in this thesis with a novel approach which relies on the
genetic algorithms. Such algorithms are inspired from the natural
evolution of the species. The novel approach allows to construct and
analyze systems which cannot be designed with the look-up table based
approach. This thesis compares the resulting systems to other
state-of-the-art signal processing systems in terms of symbol error rate
performance and also in terms of the ability to preserve relevant mutual
The refernce system which is considered typically in this thesis is the
soft symbol demodulator which has to be applied when non-binary
low-density parity-check codes shall be used with binary modulation.
Such demodulators designed using the novel approach are compared whith
the look-up table based approach and traditonal soft symbol
demodulators. The thesis develops a powerful class of parametrizable
mappings that can be optimized using the genetic algorithms. Most
importantly, the novel approach allows to achieve performance close to
that of a soft symbol demodulator in many investigated scenarios.
All interested parties are cordially invited, registration is not required.
General information on the colloquium, as well as a current list of the
dates of the communication technology colloquium can be found at:
Irina Ronkartz
Institute of Communication Systems (IKS)
RWTH Aachen University
Muffeter Weg 3a, 52074 Aachen, Germany
+49 241 80 26958 (phone)