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*Freitag, 7. Februar 2020*
*Vortragende*: Bingying Qin
*Ort:* Hörsaal 4G
*Zeit:* 10:00 Uhr
*Master-Vortrag*: Acquisition of Individual HRTFs using Acoustic
Virtual reality is now widely applied in different areas.
Headphone-based binaural rendering is commonly used to reconstruct the
sound in a virtual environment. Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTs)
is essential in the sound reconstruction. Using individual HRTF database
can achieve a better experience in the sound simulation. The demands for
individual HRTF database increase rapidly. The proposed dynamic
measurement with acoustic head tracking provides a fast and easy method
to obtain individual HRTFs.
This thesis proposes a processing procedure to get individual HRTF
database from the HRTFs measured using acoustic head tracking. The
processing procedure constructs a desired, usually regularly spaced HRTF
data set from the irregularly spaced measurement results. The relations
between the sound source positions are quantified in weights and the
weights are used in the HRTF interpolation. Interpolation algorithm with
separated amplitude and phase interpolation is illustrated. Measurements
performed in IKS|Lab using acoustic head tracking proves that the
interpolation works well.
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Termine des Kommunikationstechnischen Kolloquiums finden Sie unter:
Irina Ronkartz
Institute of Communication Systems (IKS)
RWTH Aachen University
Muffeter Weg 3a, 52074 Aachen, Germany
+49 241 80 26958 (phone)