*                          Einladung
*                     Informatik-Oberseminar
Zeit:        Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2021, 11:00-12:00 Uhr

Zoom:    https://rwth.zoom.us/j/92762889185?pwd=ZVdJV2o1bk13SlJCSDFRanB2TEYwUT09

   Meeting-ID: 927 6288 9185

   Kenncode: 725212

Referentin:  Frau Sarah Suleri, M. Sc.
                      Lehrstuhl Informatik 5
Thema:   Impact of Technological Support on the Workload of Software Prototyping


Prototyping is a broadly utilized iterative technique for brainstorming, communicating, and evaluating user interface (UI) designs. This research aims to analyze this process from three aspects: traditional UI prototyping, rapid prototyping, and prototyping for accessibility. We propose three novel approaches and realize them by introducing three artifacts: 1) Eve, a sketch-based prototyping workbench that supports automation of transforming low fidelity prototypes to higher fidelities, 2) Kiwi, a UI design pattern and guidelines library to support UI design pattern-driven prototyping, 3) Personify, a persona-based UI design guidelines library for accessible UI prototyping. We evaluate the usability of these artifacts, and the results indicate good usability and learnability. Furthermore, we use NASA-TLX to study the impact of using these three novel approaches on the subjective workload experienced by the designers during the software prototyping process. This work aims to extend prior work on UI prototyping and is broadly applicable to understand the impact of using deep learning, UI design patterns, and personas on the workload of UI prototyping.

Es laden ein: die Dozentinnen und Dozenten der Informatik







Leany Maaßen

RWTH Aachen University

Lehrstuhl Informatik 5, LuFG Informatik 5

Prof. Dr. Stefan Decker, Prof. Dr. Matthias Jarke,

Prof. Gerhard Lakemeyer Ph.D.

Ahornstrasse 55

D-52074 Aachen


Tel: 0241-80-21509

Fax: 0241-80-22321

E-Mail: maassen@dbis.rwth-aachen.de