* Einladung
* Informatik-Oberseminar
Zeit: Freitag, 10. März 2023, 11.00 Uhr
Ort: Raum 9222, Gebäude E3, Ahornstr. 55
Referent: Steffen van Bergerem, M.Sc.
Lehrstuhl für Informatik 7
Thema: Descriptive Complexity of Learning
Supervised learning is a field in machine learning that strives to
classify data based on labelled training examples. In the Boolean
setting, each input is to be assigned to one of two classes, and there
are several fruitful machine-learning methods to obtain a classifier.
However, different algorithms usually come with different types of
classifiers, e.g. decision trees, support-vector machines, or neural
networks, and this is cumbersome for a unified study of the intrinsic
complexity of learning tasks.
This thesis aims at strengthening the theoretical foundations of
machine learning in a consistent framework. In the setting due to
Grohe and Turán (2004), the inputs for the classification are tuples
from a relational structure and the search space for the classifiers
consists of logical formulas. The framework separates the definition
of the class of potential classifiers (the hypothesis class) from the
precise machine-learning algorithm that returns a classifier. This
facilitates an information-theoretic analysis of hypothesis classes
as well as a study of the computational complexity of learning
hypotheses from a specific hypothesis class.
As a first step, Grohe and Ritzert (2017) proved that hypotheses
definable in first-order logic (FO) can be learned in sublinear time
over structures of small degree. We generalise this result to two
extensions of FO that provide data-aggregation methods similar to
those in commonly used relational database systems. First, we study
the extension FOCN of FO with counting quantifiers. Then, we analyse
logics that operate on weighted structures, which can model relational
databases with numerical values. For that, we introduce the new logic
FOWA, which extends FO by weight aggregation. We provide locality
results and prove that hypotheses definable in a fragment of the logic
can be learned in sublinear time over structures of small degree.
To better understand the complexity of machine-learning tasks on
richer classes of structures, we then study the parameterised
complexity of these problems. On arbitrary relational structures and
under common complexity-theoretic assumptions, learning hypotheses
definable in pure first-order logic turns out to be intractable.
In contrast to this, we show that the problem is fixed-parameter
tractable if the structures come from a nowhere dense class.
This subsumes numerous classes of sparse graphs. In particular,
we obtain fixed-parameter tractability for planar graphs, graphs of
bounded treewidth, and classes of graphs excluding a minor.
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