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Second Call for Submissions

Summer contest: WCTS 2006

Silicon Valley , July 16-23, 2006




The first Summer Contest "World Class Technology Summit" (WCTS 2006) is organized July 16-23 2006 in Silicon Valley, California . WCTS 2006 initiates a series of biannual IARIA international events focusing on excellence in challenging topics. The contributions are carefully reviewed by the Technical Program Committee. After the presentation of the accepted contributions in the scheduled sessions and an extended debate, an international jury will rank each presentation. The three best presentations will be awarded diplomas and financial recognitions.


For details and instructions, please see http://www.iaria.org/conferences/CfPSummerContest06.html.


Contributions may belong to any domain. The listed domains are simply to guide the reviewers. Submission categories can range from new theories, new paradigms, new systems, new logics, new algorithms, new solutions for known problems, and optimized implementations. Please read carefully the instructions for the authors.


There is no limit of on the number of submitted contributions. There is no limit on the number on contributions coming from the same authors or team, providing each contribution is properly registered.


For the award procedure, please see http://www.iaria.org/conferences/AwardSummer06.htm.


For submissions, go on the WCTS 2006 page and click " Submit a paper".

Only those papers selected by the TPC enter the contest.


Looking forward for your submissions,


On behalf of the organizing committees

Dumitru Roman, Damien Magoni, Joel Rodriques

Details: petre@iaria.org, lorenz@ieee.org
