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1st International Workshop on Software for Sensor Networks (SensorWare) – CFP
Welcome to the 1st International Workshop on Software for Sensor Networks (SensorWare) to be held on the 8 January 2006. The workshop is held in conjunction with COMSWARE 2006 in the beautiful and historical city of New Delhi.
Advances in technology have made deployment of miniature sensors a realistic proposition. These sensors are low-power, inexpensive, smart devices with multiple on-board sensors, and are connected through wireless links, so as to form a collaborative sensor network to perform a specific task. As a result, it opens up a new paradigm of ubiquitous computing and enables a range of applications that are previously unrealizable or too costly to be realized. However, given the limitation of on-board hardware, one of the key areas towards achieving superior performance is through the software implementation. The workshop is intended for the presentation and discussion of novel algorithms and software implementation for sensor networks. This workshop, intends to bring together engineering experts and academicians to discuss the current status, technical challenges, standards, fundamental issues, and future services and applications in the form of panels and technical presentation.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
Operating System
Efficient algorithms
Protocol design
Performance analysis
Performance related issues
Sensor applications
Deployment issues and scenarios
Sensor security
Sensor network design and modeling 
Workshop co-chairs:
Nirmala Shenoy (ns@rit.edu), RIT, USA
Boon Sain Yeo (boonyeo@ieee.org), Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
TPC Members:
Holger Karl, University of Paderborn, Germany,
Ling-Jyh Chen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Kui Wu, University of Victoria, Canada,
Daeyoung Kim, ICU, Korea
Leonard Barolli, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan,
Wei-Peng, Fujitsu Labs of America, USA
Jason Redi, BBN Technologies, USA     
Biao Chen, Syracuse University, USA
Hairong  Qi, University of Tennessee, USA
Xiaojun Cao, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Xin Wang, University of Buffalo, USA
James Minseok Kwon, RIT, USA
Wenye Wang, North Carolina State University, USA
Fei Hu, RIT, USA
Robin Chellappa, Deakin Univeristy, Australia 
Technical Papers has to be submitted to the co-chairs at boonyeo@ieee.org.
Papers should be written in English and should preferably follow the instructions in template.pdf. Preferred maximum paper length is 6 printed pages (10-point font) including figures.

Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline: 14 October 2005
Notification Acceptance/Rejection: 14 November 2005
Final Camera-Ready Paper Submission: 2 December 2005
Please visit the workshop website at http://www.sensorware.org for more info.
We look forward to seeing you at SensorWare.
Many thanks
Best regards,
Boon and Nirmala
Workshop co-chairs