(Apologies if you receive this information multiple times.)

*Abstract Registration in EDAS Due: October 22, 2006 (New)*
*Conference Paper Submissions Due: October 29, 2006 (Extended)*

                      CALL FOR PAPER

26th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications
Conference (IPCCC 2007) (

April 11-13, 2007 - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

The International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference
(IPCCC) is the premier IEEE conference presenting research in the
performance of computer and communication systems. For more than two
decades, IPCCC has been a research forum for academic, industrial, and
government researchers. The lively interactions among the researchers from
these emerging new fields provide a stimulating environment rich with new

We encourage submission of high-quality papers reporting original
work in both theoretical and experimental research areas. Topics of
interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

Network Protocols                  Performance Evaluation & Modeling
Network Information Assurance      Performance Tools & Techniques
Wireless Mobile Networking         Processor architectures
Sensor & Ad-hoc Networking         Processor & Memory Performance
Network Security                   Power-Aware Architectures
Network Management                 Workload Characterization and its
Internet Service                     impact on Architecture Design
Storage System                     Grid Computing
Embedded System                    High Performance Computing

In addition, proposals for panel sessions and workshops on relevant
topics are welcome. Workshops may be for a full day or half a day.
Workshop papers will be published in the conference proceedings.


Abstract Registration in EDAS Due: October 22, 2006
Conference Paper Submissions Due: October 29, 2006 (Extended)
Notification of Acceptance of Conference Papers: December 15, 2006
Student Posters Due: December 15, 2006
Notification of Acceptance of Student Posters: January 15, 2007
Camera-ready Manuscripts and Registrations Due: January 26, 2007

Submission Procedures for Papers

Submitted manuscripts must have at least 11-point font size, and should
not exceed 12 pages formatted in IEEE conference style, including the
abstract, figures, and references. Authors should obtain company and
government clearances prior to submission of papers.

All papers will be reviewed by the program committee They will be judged
with respect to their quality, originality, and relevance. All accepted
papers will be published in the conference proceedings, conditional upon
the author's advance registration. Note that one full (non-student)
registration fee must be paid for each paper published in the proceedings,
and that submission of a paper entails a professional obligation to attend
and present your paper at the conference if it is accepted.

Authors MUST submit their papers electronically using EDAS
http://edas.info). The submission process involves the following three

(1) Creation of a personal account on EDAS (if the author does not already
have one)
(2) Registration of the paper (requiring a title and short abstract of up
to 150 words)
(3) Upload of the paper. The only permitted submission format is pdf