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WiMAX, the technology resulting from the work developed by IEEE 802.16 Wireless MAN working groups, has attracted a lot of attention throughout the world

in the last few years.  There is a great expectation that WiMAX will be the solution of choice to offer wireless broadband services both in fixed as well as in

mobile scenarios.  Due to this great interest that is perceived in every segment of the communications community (industry, government

regulators and academia) the IEEE Communications Society has organized the very first IEEE Mobile WiMAX Symposium, as an extension of its successful

IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference – WCNC.  This first event is being co-located with CTIA WIRELESS and this partnership creates

the expectation of attracting a significant level of participation from industry due to the timeliness and relevance of the topic.


The two-day program consists of two parallel tracks of technical sessions, totaling 28 high-quality papers, and four plenary sessions, featuring highly

reputable industrial leaders and researchers from all over the world.  A wide range of interests are included in the program, including physical transmission

technology, medium access control, mobile (WiMAX) networking technology, multimedia applications and networks and state-of-the-art services scenarios.

We sincerely expect that by attending this symposium each participant will benefit from a complete experience on advances in mobile WiMAX.


Early Registration Deadline: 28 February 2007

Visit for program information and on-line registration

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