Dear Otto,

Thanks for the information, but something remains hidden/unclear here.

According to the agreement between IFIP and SSBM, the royalties are not due on the bulk sales for IFIP LNCS (article 31e). Therefore, for the organizer of an event, there should be no difference whatsoever between standard LNCS and IFIP LNCS, because:
- in both cases there are 50 complimentary copies
- in both cases there is a discount (40% off the list price) on the bulk sales
- there is no royalties to IFIP

It is true that there are royalties to IFIP on IFIP LNCS non bulk sales (e.g. sales to libraries) and that they are paid as a one-time advance publication royalty. BTW, how does Springer estimate the number of non bulk sales to calculte the royalties?

So, what I'd like to see (besides the list prices) are the prices for bulk sales in all cases (standard LNCS, IFIP LNCS and primary IFIP series).

If IFIP LNCS is still more expensive than standard LNCS for bulk sales, there is something I don't understand at all.

Best regards,

At 11:29 +0200 21/10/05, Otto Spaniol wrote:
Dear all,

in order to prepare yourself for the price discussion debate
here comes some very recent information (finally!) concerning the
book prices of IFIP publications (together with an explaining message
from Springer and a question made by Eduard Dundler, IFIP secretariat).

As far as I can see, the second attachment is a subset of the third one.
Thus number 1 and number 3 are of main importance.

My interpretation is that "IFIP LNCS" is indeed more expensive than
"Regular LNCS".
However we habe to compare that price difference with the royalties and with
the 50 complimentary copies (which are independent of an bulk sale size!). If
we include the 50 copies then the prices are to my opinion comparable to each
other (I will have to check that more in detail!).

"IFIP series" (i.e. former Kluwer) is even a little cheaper than "Regular
and this price would be further reduced if a higher bulk size is ordered
(e.g. from 40 USD to 21.01 USD for a 256 page book if you order 501 books
instead as of just 75; the first line in the "number of copies" is
superfluous since you have to order a mimimum of 75 copies).

See you in Wroclaw


Dear All,

For my understanding:
Does this mean that books in the IFIP main series are at nearly the same
level as "normal LNCS books" and IFIP LNCS is between 35% and 40 % higher
than "normal LNCS"?

Best regards

From: Brais, Amy []
Sent: Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2005 20:01
To:; brunnstein@informatik.uni-;;; Eduard Dundler
Cc: Evans, Jennifer, Springer US; Brais, Amy
Subject: IFIP Publications Committee Meeting Follow-Up

Dear All,
Jennifer Evans is at a conference this week in Beijing, so I am sending
the following information in her absence. I apologize for the delay in my
response. Attached, please find three charts.
The first attachment is the IFIP Bulk Sale grid (Eur), with list prices
at the bottom (USD), as stipulated by the 2005 contract with IFIP. The
second attachment is a comparison of LNCS to IFIP-LNCS list prices,
depicted in Euros. The third attachment is an attempt to combine the
information in the two previous charts. I have used the bulk sale price
for the lowest number of copies from the IFIP grid, in order to get a
sense of comparative conference costs. This comparison is imperfect at
best, in that the sales of each are handled differently, and the page
count brackets to determine price are slightly different for each series.
Please feel free to consider the information in the way that seems the
most accessible and productive to you.
Please keep the following in mind when reviewing this information:
1. IFIP royalties are 12% on all copies sold.
2. IFIP-LNCS royalties are 10% of the estimated total sales of the
volume. This is a one-time advance publication royalty.
3. IFIP-LNCS provides 50 complimentary copies with any conference order.
After that, conference bulk sales cost 40% off the list price.
4. In the third chart, the IFIP bulk sale prices assume the smallest bulk
sale order and are therefore the highest price for that page count
bracket. For larger bulk orders, the price per copy decreases significantly.
Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can provide you with
any additional information. Jennifer will be back in the office next week
and will have the rationale for the pricing of the respective series to
you by November 1.
Thank you,
Amy Brais
Editorial Assistant to Jennifer Evans
Phone: (781) 681-0607
Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:ifip bulk sale price grid.pdf (PDF /CARO) (005E2CAD)
Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:LNCS Prices Regular-IFIP.doc (WDBN/«IC») (005E2CAE)
Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:LNCSPR~2.DOC (WDBN/«IC») (005E2CAF)
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