--------I2TS'2003 - Call for Participation --------------------------------------
 2nd International Information and Telecommunication Technologies Symposium
 Florianopolis, SC, Brasil,  Nov 26-29, 2003 www.inf.barddal.br/i2ts

You are cordially invited to participate and attend I2TS'2003.

Please check the Website: www.inf.barddal.br/i2ts
for the Technical Program, Registration and Hotel Information.

If you have any questions, please contact us at i2ts@barddal.br

We have so far more than 100 registered. We are expecting more to show up.

In addition to a strong I2TS Technical Program,
Florianopolis, and its worldwide 42 known beaches,
is among the best place to visit in Brasil during this time.

Looking forward to seeing you at I2TS in Brasil

Best regards,

Mirela Sechi Moretti Annoni Notare
I2TS'2003 General Co-Chair