Dear all,

Unfortunately, I come late to TC6 and have not been able to participate in many lively discussions.
I will not be able to attend the meeting in Bangkok.
However, I am keen to support IFIP TC6 activities.



Otto Spaniol wrote:
Dearr all,

our meeting 2004/2 attendance is shrinking; just 14 delegates are left
(if they all show up).

Please communicate to me your view on the IFIP/IEEE case.

Answers received thus far may be classified in two parts:
- The Americans are in favour of IEEE
  (the copyright issue seems to be of no impoortance for them,
  at least nbody has said a single word about that aspect)
- The Americans are more on the IFIP side.
  They say e.g. "Do you think that there should be only 
  one organisation world-wide? There is need for more".

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Doan B. Hoang, PhD			Phone:(+61 2) 9514 7943
Professor of Computer Networks
Department of Computer Systems		Fax:(+61 2) 9514 1807
Faculty of Information Technology	Email:
University of Technology, Sydney